Chapter 14: Saviour of the Day

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I woke up a few hours later with Memphis curled up against my side humming with satisfaction and happiness and I couldn't blame her. I felt the same way.

I rolled out from under her grasp and gave her a sweet light kiss on the lips before I put some clothes on. I heard her groan at the loss of contact and felt her pain. I smiled as I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair out of my eyes and then strapped my gauntlet on.

"Hey baby, we gotta go In there." I said. She laughed and smiled before sitting up and looking at me. "Do we like...have to?" "Yes babe." I said laughing. "Come here." I helped her up and put on a shirt and all that as she was still very clearly exhausted and tired.

I gave her one more sweet kiss on the lips before I smacked her butt to which she shoved me with a smile and I walked out. I made my way back in the kitchen where I found Zeke chugging a gallon of milk basically. I picked up an apple and leaned against the sink and he looked at me before Memphis walked through the kitchen and up the hatch.

He looked at me again and smiled. "So uh, you and Memphis? Huh?" I laughed and nodded. "Yea. She's Something special and different."
He kinda gauged me and nodded his head taking another swig of the milk.
"Yea she Is." I stepped towards the fridge grabbing a water bottle. "Hey man, look I don't want to upset you or have any problems. I had enough of that with Cyrus."

"No man," he said. "What we had? Memphis and me? It's over. A while back, it's long gone. I mean, I'm still protective over her though. She's been through some shit and she's tough, but she's still human." I nodded. "Yea, I know. Man I won't let anything happen to her. We've been here for about a month and a half, almost two, but it's clear she's different and I won't lose that."

He put the milk up and leaned against the stove, directly across from the fridge in the middle of the kitchen, looking at me. "You just treat her right, and we'll be fine." I closed my eyes and took a breath. "Always. Speaking of gifts, what's yours Zeke?"

He cracked what seemed like a broken smile and looked at me closely. "I have a...few gifts, I guess you could say."
"Go on." I said.  "Well for one, I have superhuman strength as cliche as it seems. But I also have what seems like an almost endless pool of stamina and almost animalistic senses. So I train myself everyday. Even if we get off of here and get to where we were supposed to go or even back home to earth, it seems like everyone needs a saviour of the day. I signed up for this and I'd happily fulfill that role and be that saviour."

Whoa. Zeke got deep and I did not anticipate this. "I guess you're right," I said. "People always do want something or someone. The world will call out for help and some people answer the call. Others look at them and whisper no because of their past.
But I think you would make a great hero Zeke. And as far as I can tell, we're not leaving here anytime soon."

I gave him a punch on the shoulder and climbed back up the hatch into the control room finding Memphis talking to Kai and Rayven who were currently in a hugging pose with Kai behind Rayven his arms wrapped around her.

I slid up next to Memphis and smiled at her joining in the conversation.
"So." Kai said with a cheeky grin looking at me. "You two were sure away for a bit. I WONDER what could you have been DOING?" He said putting emphasis on a few words. Rayven tsked her tounge at him and looked back up at him pulling his face down and giving him a kiss.
"You leave them alone." She said. "Ughhhh." Was the response he gave.

Memphis and I laughed as Zeke walked up. "So what did you find?" I asked her. She stood up and walked over to the holographic planet and I watched her as she moved. She saw me looking and gave me a joking stink eye and blew me a kiss when no one was looking.

"So." She said. "Over here, where we went on the other side of the ship there was just alot of jungle. But. It ended up drying out quick turning into Woods." I raised an eyebrow. "Okayyy?" She sighed as she looked at me. "Here's where it gets interesting. At the edge of the woods, it starts a dessert." At this I raised both eyebrows and tilted my head.

"Well. It looks like we're going on a hike." I said. She smiled and walked over to the nearest desk typing something in a laptop. Kai mockingly raised his hand. "Um. Question? What are we gonna do? How are we to stay alive? Like what's the purpose of this whole hike?"

I paused not having an exact answer. "Well," I said. "This planet is huge. I mean, it's about the size of North America if you rolled it up. But our main focus is finding a way to get off. I don't think it's gonna take us traversing the whole planet to do it, but if it be it." I said. "At least we've got each other. And we have a few people who haven't woken up yet either. We'll be okay."

Everyone nodded in agreement and i started to wonder if my gift was just word of the mouth which to be completely honest wouldn't help much out here. I started to walk to the elevator when I hear the silent alarms going off again, which meant that someone, somebody else has woken up. Or is currently waking up.

I rushed to down the hatch followed by everyone else and heard Memphis say one word to everyone else. "Awakening."

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