Chapter 43: Going Up I Suppose?

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After we finished off our guards we turned around to see how Kai and Zeke were doing. As it turns out, they were doing quite well.

There were three Hybrids over there, two Crocodile men, one of which was dead, and one snakeish guy. Kai had the crocodile guy, and poor Zeke had to deal with the Snake man. The snake guy circled Zeke spinning him around until Zeke got sick of it, transforming his fingers into claws and grabbing the man by the throat, the throwing him across the room like a foam noodle. He then got down on all fours, muscles bulging and ran toward him, jumping and slicing him in half, leaving blueish blood everywhere.

In the meantime, Kai was busy having fun with the crocodile man. The man charged at Kai snapping at him, and he dodged, kicking him in the throat. Kai then raised up the other crocodile, causing him to snap and latch on to the alive ones leg, holding him in place. To top it all off, Kai used the dead snakes blood to form a blueish dagger, then plunged it directly into the forehead of the last Hybrid, causing him to sway, and then fall dead.

We all looked around the lobby, once a warm red and gold, now covered in dark blue blood and sighed. "Whew! That was fun wasnt it? Round 1 over." Kai said walking to the elevator. He pressed the button and it opened up, all of us walking in. He looked at the button and pressed the 2 causing the doors to close. "Going up, I suppose?" He asked with a chuckle, all of us laughing.

The elevator stopped and jerked and we prepared ourselves before the door opened. What happened next was so fast I thought someone sped up time.

The doors opened and Beckett flung six shards of ice the size of kitchen knives into the room, somehow nailing two men in the head. I turned my arm into a shield, blocking a few bullets as Kai made a portal in the elevator and walked through, ending up on the other side of the room.

It was a fairly decent sized room but I wasnt quite sure what it was. I think it was a weapons lab of some sort as there were tables everywhere with disassembled and reassembled weapons everywhere and a few cubicles here and there. There were also a few windows lining the back wall where Kai materialized out of nowhere snapping one of the men's neck and dropping him to the floor.

We stepped out of the elevator and immediately ducked behind a cubicle, me and Beckett on one, Zeke on the other, Kai on the other side of the room. I spun around the corner of the cubicle, and, using my arm as a whip, yanked a pistol out of someone's hand shooting them the second I got it.
I popped up over the table shooting someone in front of Kai and getting just enough time to look at who all was in the room. There wasnt really that many in this one, maybe two or three people left.

Yet as I noticed this, it dropped down to one as Beckett caused ice spikes to shoot up from the floor, impaling two of the men and causing them to just hang on the ice shards, spikes poking out of their body everywhere. Finally I stood up with everyone else and the last man aimed his pistol at Kai, apparently trying to go out with one kill, before Zeke kicked him through the window.

We looked at each other and nodded each of us grabbing a pistol and heading up to the third floor, which opened up to a hallway. On either side there were 3 doors, which appeared to be rooms for whoever was working here I assumed. Beckett and Kai took the ones on the right and Zeke and I took the left.

I stood by and Zeke kicked open the door at the same time Beckett did causing a very audible snap, making everyone aware of us now if they weren't before. We walked in, turning and checking each room, then moved on to the next one. They were both clear until we got to the last one. I kicked open the door to be met with a hail of gunfire and spun around flat against the wall looking at Zeke.
"Theres someone in there." I whispered sarcastically as bullets rained out of the room.

"No...You dont say?" He responded smirking. Quickly I turned my arm into a shield once more and charged in, blocking bullets while Zeke shot the people in front of us. It was a couple of regular looking Mexican men, but then they shifted to their true form, which was a disgusting half toad look.

We both shuddered and walked out of the room looking at the door across the hall. Beckett and Kai were obviously busy as we heard continous gunshots coming from their second room, so we decided to take this one to save time.

We both tightened our vests and arm guards and I pulled my trench coat even tighter around me before stepping back and kicking the door in. It flung open to reveal an empty room and we both looked at each other equally confused by the sight.
We shrugged our shoulders and walked back down the hallway to the elevator where Beckett and Kai were walking out of their room.

"..crazy ass bitch..." Beckett muttered under his breath as we walked past. We heard Kai dying of laughter as we got in the elevator.

"Hey man, what happened?" I asked Beckett chuckling a bit myself. He paused before looking at me and and sighing.

"This freaking psychopath was in the room and the minute we opened the door, she jumped at us butt naked, covered in scales, and bit me! She bit me, almost drawing blood. I dont even know what she was but I'll be damned if I deal with another one of her crazy reptilian asses." He shook his head and tightened his vest and gloves and cocked his gun punching the 4 button with his handle, shaking his head.

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