Chapter 30: Load up, Lock up, and Get Out.

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As we woke up the next morning we all headed down to the labs and training rooms where Rayven and Kai were getting things ready. They had gadgets strewn around and about the room, and were waiting on us. As we walked in, Kai looked at me with a solemn look on his face and he pulled me to the side.

"Does he know?" Kai asked, referring to Cyrus. Earlier that morning I had
talked to him through my communicator watch I left there and told him that the group was packing up and heading out today to get started on leaving. We had plenty of materials and supplies, including  some for him and Halcyon as well.

"Yea, he knows. I told him everything and they'll be ready when we get there." I said to him quietly. We were all getting there. Soon after we got some gadgets passed out around us, including a very cool but odd looking pair of teeth, we headed to the armory.

Everyone got on safety pads and specialized vests and gloves. The best were pretty much anything resistant, the gloves could stick to pretty much everything and also gave you extra strength. Then we all got really nice military grade combat boots, but only Kais, Becketts and mine were specialized. Ours gave us extra strength and could stick as well, though these boots had blades installed in the bottom. Shweet.

I found Kai and pulled him to the side quickly. "So um, does she know yet man? Like does Rayven know shes, you know." I whispered to him quietly.

"Oh yea." He said laughing. "She knows."

"Know what?" She asked walking up. "That I'm a Zombieeee?" She asked, making the weird walking zombie movement. "Yea, I know. And it took a little while to process it, but I'm cool with it. Obviously I've still got a soul, and plus, I'm only his zombie." She said laughing. I nodded and smiled walking away.

Finally Beckett pulled on his special trenchcoat with his name, and I pulled on my Welcome To Wasteland coat as well, followed by my gauntlet.
Kai grabbed his bow (now fixed and fully reloaded) and I got more ammo for my gauntlet and my sword had been fixed.

We got to the elevator turned our watches on, with food and supplies  and helmets inside our backpacks. Which was really light to carry for all of us. I brushed my silver hair out of my eyes and lead the way opening the door, followed by Kai, then Rayven, then Memphis, and then Beckett, and finally Zeke and Atlas.

"So," I said as we trekked on. "Were gonna go and pick up Cyrus and Halcyon, and then make our way to the little town and go from there. Okay everybody? Lock the doors, load your weapons, and let's go." I finished. The doors shut and closed behind us and we headed out. It was a pretty smooth walk really, a few rabid monster/hybrid animals running around, but that was about it. One of the birds flew at Atlas at one point and using his electro-magnetic/gravity powers he stopped it in mid-air, turned it upside down and flung it directly through the trees, blazing a clear, thin, line.

We eventually made our way to the hideout where Cyrus and Halcyon were and everybody stopped as Kai and I made our way in.

"Anyone home?" I asked, waiting for a response. At this Cyrus walked out of the cave, Halcyon by his side smiling.
"Alright, you guys ready?" I asked them giving them armor and supplies.

"Yea," said Cyrus with a smile on his face. "We're ready." As soon as he said that we all heard Atlas call out my name and a growl as we snapped our heads to the group's direction. I ran forward, Cyrus by my side pushing through everyone to the front of the group next to Beckett. 

As we stood there, Beckett to my left, Cyrus to my right, we watched as the trees practically flattened and a monster tore out. It was a true beast, in all forms of the word. Basically take a ten foot tall Grizzly bear, and give it rows upon rows of shark teeth, and a whip for a tail, and you've got what we were staring at. All together our jaws dropped to the ground as it heaved and growled staring us down and we took a step back. I used my power to shape my arm into a massive shield and Cyrus lit his hand ablaze as Becketts veins glowed icy blue.

"So uh, any ideas guys?" I asked, staring down the beast. "Beckett? Seen this before?" I asked.

"Nope. Never." He said quietly, as if calculating what to do. At this to our left there was a loud gust of wind rushing by and the trees got sliced off the top in a perfectly straight line.
There was a huge version of one of the little birds, about the size of our Shark-Bear.

I turned and looked at Atlas. "Hey. That one is on you. I've been there before, have fun. Kai, help him out."
I said before facing my own beast.
"Alright on my count, Cyrus, light it up, Beckett, freeze the feet. 3, 2, 1, GO!" I screamed.

Before we knew what was happening the monsters for and hair was scorched on fire, and its feet frozen to the ground in a chunk as a block of ice. It let out an earth shaking growl and swung a massive paw with seven claws, the size of my chest, directly at me. Luckily, it hit the shield and instead sent me flying back into the arms of a ripped and awaiting Zeke.

I nodded at him and stood up again this time turning my arm into a dark green and black, huge, spiked club. I ran at it this time and jumped up in the air, Beckett making an extra ice stair in front of me for extra height, and I came down hard, club first into the head of the creature.

There was a loud and deafening crack that resounded and we heard a screech at the same time. We all turned around to see Atlas pulling the wings back and dragging the Bird down to the ground as Kai had summoned at least a hundred of the dead birds now pelting and ripping the skin off of the bigger bird.
It let out a scream and fire flew everywhere though Kai was gone.
He had opened up a portal and now was on top of the bird, as he took out a black dagger made of darkness and plunged it into the base of the birds skull. There was a screech, and then silence as it fell to the ground dead with a crumble.

We turned around at our bloodied and unconscious beast and sighed. Cyrus lit his sword on fire and cleanly cut off the head of the beast and we all sat in silence as both of them went up in flames, pouring black smoke into the even blacker sky.

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