Chapter 42: Talking to Dead People and Riding Mechanical Bulls.

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As we both looked at Kai, he walked over to one of the dead bodies, specifically the large bear man Zeke was fighting. He crouched down and touched his throat, whispering a few words before the body jerked and the man gasped. Kai looked at him with his white eyes and paused.

"Where is Mr. Rahsteck?" He asked bluntly. The bear man looked at him and smiled gasping.

"Hes, in- in the Grand Dusk. But you're too late. He knows." He said smiling. He coughed up something then finally jerked once more and died as the life left his body.

Kai stood up, his eyes back to grey. "Well. The Grand Dusk? Do...we know where that is?" He asked. I shook my head as well as Zeke and we shrugged our shoulders.

"I dont know." I said. "But um, I'm guessing it's the biggest set of houses, considering the word Grand." We all agreed and soon after headed out back into the streets of the bustling town with all the vendors. I heard my communicator click on and pressed it, turning it on. It was Memphis.

"Hey love, we just had an uh, recon mission and we figured out what we need to do to get to Rahsteck. The bad guy that's selling drugs that the Emperor wants dead?" She paused and I heard a bit of static then she responded.

"Hey. Yea that's alright. Me and Rayven are leading Atlas, Cyrus, and Halcyon right now. We're just kinda trying to stick up on weapons and stuff so that we can be ready when it's time to go." She said.

"Yea. Zeke, Kai, and I are gonna go ahead and get Beckett then we'll take on Rahsteck. I'll keep you informed baby. Gotta go." I hung up as she did and looked at the rest of the guys.
"Okay. We gotta go get Beckett then head to the Grand Dusk." I said walking through the bustling streets.

"Uh....Rhent?" Kai tapped my shoulder, pulling me to turn around in the process.

"Yea?" I said spinning around.

"I think we found the Grand Dusk." He said. And he was right. As we spun around we saw a massive sprawling five story building just behind up, with Grand Dusk written on it in neon letters, the rain pouring down and steam from the vendors making it seem very cyberpunkish.

"Oh. Right. Well....let's go get Beckett and tear this shit down. We've got to get off of this planet." I turned around and started heading back to the hotel with the others following suit.

"Its a Moon." Kai corrected.

We caught up with Beckett who had decided to stay behind and watch our stuff and filled him in on everything. We now officially had a plan and knew who to go after. As we all cleaned up and got ready I checked on my gauntlet making sure it was still okay. The blade flung out hissing slightly but it seemed the light was dimming out and getting duller. It looked like I was going to rely heavily on my powers for this one.

We headed out back to the Grand Dusk and stood in front of the massive building or rather, buildings seeing as how they were all stacked on top of each other, and looked at the giant metal door in front of us.
I turned around and faced the four guys behind me and nodded. "Are we all ready?" I asked them.

They nodded and signaled than now was the time to go. I opened the heavy metal door with a creak and stepped inside, the light catching me off guard. The very first room was not at all what was expected. This was more of a hotel than anything, with a large waiting area (filled with hybrids) and also an elevator, stairs to the left of that, and to the far left, a receptionist. All lit by a few bright lights on the ceiling. If I didnt know any better I'd say this was a 5 star hotel. Sadly, I did know better and so did the lady behind the desk.

She pressed a button causing three guards to descend down the stairs, and pulled a gun out at light speed causing Kai and Zeke to take the 3 hybrids on the right, and me and Beckett to take the guards and trigger happy receptionist.

I morphed my arm into a whip and snapped the gun out of her hand then rushed over, grabbed her and knocked her out with a heavy book. I didnt want to kill her you know? Then I turned my attention to the guards with Beckett. They were all some kind of Rhino Hybrid so they were buff, thick, and had huge horns that I did not appreciate.

One of them ran towards me, head down and I jumped back, rolling over the receptionists desk, narrowly dodging him. As he turned back I climbed on top of the desk and ran after him, him also charging me with his horn aimed straight for me. Just as I got to the edge of the desk I jumped up and spun around landing on his back, grabbing his horn.

He began to spin around and suddenly, I felt what it was like to ride a mechanical bull for the first time in my life. I quickly turned my arm into a shard blade and shoved it into the side of his neck, blood spurting out and covering the wall behind us.
He roared and flung me off into a bookshelf nearby, books tumbling down and covering me.

I peeked out from my pile of books to see him holding his neck stumbling, and formed a bunch of spikes covering my arm and fist, then ran up to him, planting one foot on the desk and jumping up, bashing his face in, and causing him to fall to the floor shaking the room.

I then turned my attention to Beckett who had made an ice sword and literally decapitated one of the guards, slicing his head off in one clean cut and kicking the body across the room. We then turned our attention to the last, and probably most built guard, and started our attack.

Beckett froze his feet, then used his ice sword and sliced off his horn, and I made a hammer out of my arm, jumping off the desk and smashing his head, hearing his neck snap audibly. I then turned my arm into a sword and we both plunged our blades into his chest and pulled out, kicking him down onto the ground.

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