Chapter 18: Beckett. The Names Beckett.

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We followed the stranger to a huge kind of mountain but instead of climbing up it, we walked into it. There was like a secret door around the back base of the mountain and we walked into it.

What surprised me even more though was how nice it was in here. There were a few lights lit giving the room a really nice and warm glow to it, yet it was cold. But not like freezing. There was a rather large but super comfortable looking couch and two chairs that looked ten times better than any Lazy Boy I've ever seen.
There was a shelf stocked full of books and art supplies, and there were also paintings. Everywhere.

The floor was some kind of dark and really strong, durable wood and it smelled nice. The whole house did. "Lord have mercy on a dead man." I uttered chewing my cheek again.

We followed the man past a door, into a room just behind the couch. The floor changed into a solid steel kind of floor from what I could tell and the walls were lined with all sorts of stuff. Weapons and armor. It was like they were everywhere. There were two large metal tables in the middle that had some broken down pieces of a machine on them and I was curious as to what it was, but I didn't have time as Kai slapped me and I looked up to see the stranger taking off his mask.

As he pulled it off he shrugged off the jacket as well and threw them to the side looking right at us. As he looked at us, I took him in. He had long straight black hair that came down to his nose, though he had it pushed aside. He had his ears both pierced like Kai, with black studs. He also had really defined jaw and cheekbones as well. But what caught my attention most were his icy blue eyes. They were almost a pale blue.

All in all, I though I was emo, with all the black i wear, my pale green eyes and silver hair, but damn did this dude have me beat.

As he looked at us he rolled up the sleeves of his black long sleeve shirt to reveal not only very muscular forearms, but also very tattooed forearms. He looked at us and said, "Well?" making a gesture with his hand.

Kai and I looked at each other and i spoke up. "Thank you for saving our lives. We uh.. we're still kinda in shock to be honest. We didn't know or even think that there was someone else out here. My name's Rhent, and uh, this is Kai." I said, throwing my thumb between the two of us.

He arched and eyebrow and nodded with a slight grin, laughing a little when he did. "What?" I asked looking at him. My heartbeat quickend a little and I wasn't sure why, but i think it was because I worried he thought we were stupid, and in truth, he wouldn't be that far off. We were just booking it through a desert to be fair.

"Nothing." He said as he walked out. We followed him back out as well to a room behind both of the chairs, which was left to the couch. As we did I soon realized this was the kitchen. He walked to the fridge and pulled out three bottles filled with dark liquid and three bottles of water as well. When he saw the way Kai and I looked at him, he nodded to the bottles.

"It's just Vanilla Dr. Pepper," he paused. "But out here you have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated or bad things can happen." He said gazing off at the pictures.

I noticed that when he held the bottle the glass frosted over and I could see his veins also were an icy blue such as his eyes. "Beckett." He said. I paused and looked at him. "What?" I asked in confusion.

"Beckett. My name's Beckett. And as you can tell since you've clearly been watching me awestruck since I killed the Sharkino, yes, I control ice and water as well." I was gonna say something before Kai pipped up for the first time since we got here, his grey eyes glowing in interest.

"Sharkino?" He asked, moving closer and chugging a bottle of water. Beckett nodded looking at him and laughed. "Yea. It's a mix between a shark and a rhino and a giant poisonous lizard. I've been here for a while," He said. "So I've slowly learned to adjust and learn about things here. The weather, my gifts, the aliens and creatures. Even the others here before you."

I looked at him in questioning and he laughed when he saw my face. "You think you're the only ones who've been here before??" He asked me in awe. "Dude. How do you think I got here? Some didn't make it out here. Some did, but went very wrong. They are the ones that want to kill you snd everyone else that gets on this planet. Then there's some who just went rouge, like me." He said proudly.

"Wait, so you're telling me that there's no way off of this planet?" I asked. "Moon." Kai corrected.

Beckett looked at me and he slowly paused as if he was thinking about something. "Well...there is one way off." He said. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders with my arms crossed, leaning up against the counter and he sighed.

"Look. There's a city here, and i mean a huge city. All you're gonna see at first are a few small towns. But there is a huge, monstrosity of a city. And I don't use the word monstrosity lightly. There are things there, and people, I guess you would call them. You know those people I said that did survive but went wrong? Like, very wrong?" He asked me.

I nodded, telling him to continue. "Well. They decided to move to the bigger cities and the biggest one, Nexanversa. The 'Capital' I guess you would call it. But they arent human anymore. They'll kill whatever just for fun. Sometimes they'll do it to feed. And the thing is, they don't just dwell in the city. They're everywhere. But that's the main place they stay." He said.

"Well then." I turned around and threw my bottle away. "It appears we've got a city to explore. But first, I've gotta get back to the ship." I said.
If we were gonna explore a large alien infested city, we had to get ready.

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