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『 Chapter 1 』

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Chapter 1

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

Hidaka stood in front of the monstrous door, the magenta letters spelling out 1-A proudly. Hearing the distant voices of other students among the hallways and beyond the very door she stood in front of, the student felt at ease. She was right on time, in the middle of all of the morning routine chaos.

Walking inside the classroom, the girl took each even stride with pride, her face held a collected expression, her (eye color) eyes somewhat cold and threatening. Her tranquil saunter wasn't attention grabbing, but her seemingly misplaced looks were. The students from the first day of class realized that the girl wasn't here the day before-this was obvious from a few factors.

The girl was taller than the average female in the classroom, standing only three centimeters below Yaoyorozu. Her uniform also wasn't the common one adorned by every student.

The white long-sleeved undershirt every person wore under their gray blazer was replaced with a skintight black turtlenecked shirt where the cuffs went right to the base of her hands, but the fabric went much further up her neck than the average turtleneck, the collar ending right below where one's head met their neck.

She also didn't sport the bright red tie that the entirety of the student body wore. Her glove covered hands were tucked into her blazer, the hem of the accessory was not to be seen. The dark leggings she had on underneath her teal-green skirt covered every inch of her legs and even slipped as far down as to cover her ankles in her shoes-which were the unprofessional looking, but ever so popular, pure white Nike high tops that were a fashion statement in American high schools.

The only part of the girl that was exposed was her face. Her (skin color) skin seemed clean and fresh, but if one were to look closely, they would be able to see the faint bags that hung under her eyes, each one covered in makeup with the purpose of hiding them.

Her character and attitude didn't seem to be in need of adjustment, but the way she dressed seemed mismatched and disrespectful to a certain boy with the legs of a horse and the stature of gorilla. The navy headed boy walked up to the incoming girl with urgency as he wanted to intercept her course of action, letting her know what she was doing.

"Excuse me, miss," Iida says with curt authority in his tone, causing the new arrival to turn towards him, analytically viewing him from the tips of his shoes to the uppermost tuff of his hair, quirking one or her brows as a sign for him to continue talking, "your attire is completely unacceptable in this prestigious academy. Especially when you walk into the classroom for the youngest up-and-coming heroes that Japan has to offer. You must be in the wrong room, so I have to as you to lea-"

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