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『 Chapter 2 』

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Chapter 2

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

Uraraka didn't talk to Y/N after that.

Maybe she was scared? Who knows.

Maybe she was just interrupted by a certain glowing ball of green innocence who bounced into the classroom with the smile of an angel. Y/N just couldn't help but be enamored by the shorter boy, his entirety just breathed happiness.

The boy was one of the shorter males in the class, but it seemed to add to his innocuous image. His halo of curly forest green hair moved around with his actions, almost as if it had a personality of its own. His eyes looked like the leaves of a healthy tree in summer, shining brightly while being excitedly calm. His skin wasn't too tan or too pale, but it was a fair color with some freckles sprinkled on each of his cheeks. His cheekbones rested high on his face, which help his lips curl higher into his welcoming grin.

But before the two peas in a pod could finish their conversation, a man who was curled up in his yellow sleeping bag started to rustle. With his movements, the class started to shuffle frantically, everyone rushing to their seats. Y/N watched with amused eyes as she tried to follow the body language of certain students, the most interesting of the bunch sat in different locations, so it was hard to follow each and every one of them.

The man who erupted from the bag, who Y/N assumed was the teacher, stood at a podium and waited for the class to be dead silent. When he got what he wanted, he began to speak.

Y/N couldn't help but zone out of her teacher's droning. What it important? Sure? Would it help her get through her first day of UA? Of course. But did she care? No, she didn't care at all. She honestly couldn't care less about anything in this moment other than his talking.

The teacher was decently tall, taller than most of the students, which was expected as he is double their age. He was clad in all black, his clothes were baggy around his arms and the cuffs of his tall boots. His belt seemed to have multiple pockets, most likely to assist him at a moments notice. His black hair was shaggy and sat on his head almost like a mop. His dark eyes were tired, bloodshot, and definitely unamused. His face was blotchy, caused by a lack of rest, and it held a good amount of short stubble that grew along his chin, jaw, and above his lip.

But the scarf around his neck gave it away.

It was Eraserhead, the underground pro-hero with the ability Erasure. The quirk gave him the power to temporarily nullify anybody's quirk that he was looking at-but eye contact with the subject was required for it to work. His iconic pale scarf was his capture weapon against adversaries, the skill he held when using the garb was unparalleled by any other hero in Japan.

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