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『 Chapter 4 』

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Chapter 4

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

Teams were chosen for the battle trial, and Y/N was put on team I. She looked to her side and saw her partner, who was a male who was slightly shorter than her, just by a centimeter or two. He had straw-blond hair and fair skin paired with thin, dark eyes. Y/N decided he looked normal enough, until she saw his giant tail. It was the same color of his skin and looked extremely muscular and strong. She noticed his gear was a karate gi, so she assumed he was favorable in the world of martial arts.

She walked over to him after hearing the results, and she saw that he was walking towards her too. The boy was smiling at her, but to his dismay, she wasn't smiling back. Her face seemed almost angry, her forehead scrunched up in thought and her lips parted just the slightest. She chewed on her tongue as she tried to think of immediately obvious strategies so she could discard them, but she also knew that she wouldn't be able to think of a good strategy unless she knew her opponent.

"Hey!" The boy greeted happily, trying to change the emotionless look on his partner's face, "I'm Ojiro Mashirao, welcome to UA!" He placed his hand forward, hoping for the girl to shake it.

"Nice to meet you, Ojiro, I'm Hidaka." She glances down at his awaiting palm, grimacing slightly at the gesture while clenching her fists that rested at her sides. "And one thing you need to know about me is that I, uh, well...I don't do handshakes, or high-fives, or fistsbumps, or hugs, or piggy back rides, or really anything with physical contact outside of combat...and I honestly don't even like doing it then. Okay?" She said, trying not to ramble too much while also sounded firm in her words.

"Uh-yeah! That's fine." He says while moving his hand away with a hint of sadness.

The teams A and D were announced to go first, team A as the heroes and team D as the villains. Y/N knew her team was in the villain box, and for that she was grateful, playing the defensive card was always smart, while also having the ability to immediately change to offensive and surprising the incoming team was always an advantage.

She watches the tension between the boy she had seen with Uraraka with earlier and the blond boy she had yet to talk with escalate into harsh glares with determined eyes. The blond seems more heated and unnerving, but the greenette looked back with steadfast determination with flares of promising power. Turning away from the two, Y/N decided not to press into it or overthink it, convincing herself it was just a simple rivalry. It wasn't her business anyway.

Hidaka follows the rest of the group into the viewing room. It's pretty dark but very spacious. The entirety of the group, minus the four battling, all stare up at the gigantic screen, it's a dark green color reflecting back into the room slightly. Five CCTV cameras are display at a time, and Y/N assumed that with the size of the building that the trial is being taken place in, that there are more cameras that can be rotated through the screen.

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