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『 Chapter 30 』

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Chapter 30

⤐  ♤  «  〚♞〛  »  ♤  ⬷

"A week of training camp, huh?"

The bell had just announced the end of
the final class on the last day of the school for the first term. Anxieties were released, and the fear of missing out on the training camp was doused by Aizawa stating it was all just another one of his infamous logical ruses.

Seeing the look of relief on the faces of those who failed the practical exams had silenced some of Y/N's guilt. While she helped Mina and others with studying for the written exams (in which she was great teacher who ranked second on her own exams), she felt a slight bit of remorse for not being able to help prepare her friends for the physical exams.

She harbored a little bit of guilt close to her mutated heart when she found out Kirishima wouldn't be passing his exam. Because Y/N was his partner in said exam, she would stay awake into the latest hours of the night wondering why hadn't she done enough to help him pass. Has she stripped his chances of going to camp away? But then all was fixed when the truth was revealed, except that he had to take extra classes.

But she was somewhat excited for the trip! A forest lodge sounds really fun, but it sounds more like a boot camp that a summer camp—and Y/N and summer don't really mix all that well, especially if there was exercise involved. A case or two of heatstroke was regular to her, but the school might not feel that way.

"There's so much stuff that I don't have!"

"Yeah, I don't even have a swimsuit!" She hears Kaminari add.

"We should all go shopping together!"

It's Hagakure's idea in the first place, and soon, everyone seems to attach to it like a moth to a flame. Shopping with so many people sounds, honestly, unproductive. But the entire class? Well, not the entire class, as Katsuki dismissed the offer too quickly and Todoroki visits his mom on their only off day. But besides them, eighteen people are coming, and eighteen people is like, seventeen people too many.

Along with the majority of the class, Y/N agrees fervently. It's not like she could say no to the countless smiling faces of her newfound friends, what kind of person would that make her? Hidaka a few months ago would've left the group without a second thought, but now, in a much happier state of mind, current Hidaka was beaming at the idea.

Well, maybe not beaming, but more so cautious. She hadn't been to a mall in years. Which sounds ludicrous, I know, but Y/N doesn't like crowded places for obvious reasons. People bumping into each other, others not paying attention, it was an equation for disaster with a quirk like hers. But then again, it's been a long time, maybe things will be different.

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