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『 Chapter 24 』

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Chapter 24

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

Some days all she did was try to forget.

Certain days were easier than others. Sundays, for example, were the best day of her week. It was the only day she didn't have school—as Yuuei was stupid and had a six day week. She would always cherish the days she had off of school, not because she hated her school, no, it's just that school was draining.

But the last day of every week felt disconnected from reality. Sundays existed as if time flowed backwards and through water. They felt like the skyline was dipped in slush and a thunderstorm shook the earth while there was a rainbow on the corner of the street. Everything felt mismatched on days like these, everything was wrong but right, slow but gone too quickly.

Sundays more than ever is when she would just lay in bed, breathe, daydream, and regret. It sounds harsh when put that way, but there's no time to sugarcoat anything. She would reminisce on the whirring of her fan or the rumble of tires on the road outside her window.

Sometimes her eyes would wander to the corner of her room, her easel standing there collecting dust. A few blank canvases sat on the ground, propped up against the wall.

It's been a long time since she's painted anything. There was a half-finished piece sitting on the ledge, the upper half of it staring at her accusingly. She wondered if it glared at her every time she glared at it, it would be a lovely staring contest.

The painting was to be a landscape, with rolling hills of green and a meadow of yellow marigolds. The sky was unfinished, not a speck of blue afternoons or the purples of the night; but she didn't know what she wanted.

There was a white blob in middle of it. She desired for a person to be standing there, but she didn't know who. Maybe she didn't want a person at all.

Doing anything now felt like a chore. She never tended to play with Ohta anymore, for the fear that she would infect her sister with her quirk seemed more plausible now than ever before. The days she would go over to Inasa or Shinsou's house after school became nonexistent, now replaced with hours of homework and recovery from sore limbs.

A lot of things she used to find enjoyable have ceased to achieve what they once did. Most of the things she dropped carelessly were backed by false reasonings and undetermined explanations.

But she stopped painting for a good reason.

"What are you doing?"

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