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『 Chapter 6 』

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Chapter 6

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

It was the next day at UA, and Y/N was walking up to the gates with her neighbor and longtime friend at her side. Her microscopic limp was still there from the burn she had given herself the day before, but she refused to tell anyone or let anyone know outside of her class, who obviously saw it live from the view room. She hoped to keep the secret away from her parents and family, but she guiltily kept it away from her best friend, the only person who's stuck by her side after applying for hero schools.

Her male friend beside her was a good seven centimeters taller than her, and so when he looked the slightest bit downwards at her when they walked, he noticed her gimp. Of course, a regular person would never notice the difference in a million years, but since he's known her for so long, he recognized it immediately. But, he also knew that she didn't tell him for a reason, and he would respect that, for now at least.

"Y'know," he started, causing the girl with the (hair color) locks to look up at him, "if you didn't wear all that makeup around your eyes, you'd have just as awful bags as I do."

"Well maybe if you wore foundation, people wouldn't make fun of your fucking eyebags, genius." Y/N snapped back with a small smirk. "Admit it, I'm just smarter than you, Hitoshi."

Before Shinsou could fire back a life-destroying roast, Y/N stopped in her tracks as she looked at the mob swarming the blue arch that the world had come to know as the front gate and entrance to the infamous UA High. Y/N noticed the mass of people held microphones and cameras, and a few of them even holding their phones to catch a quick videoclip that they would try to haggle from in coming students.

"Oh shit, oh shit, I can't go over there, Hitoshi, I can't!" Y/N said which panic rising in her voice. "There's too many of them, and if they bumped my face, or my scalp, or anything! What if they somehow scratch me and I start bleeding! Oh my fucking god I can't do thi-"

"Y/N, it's okay, I know that crowds are literally your worst enemy, so we can enter through one of the back entry gate that are supposed to be used for teachers. I'm sure they won't mind, okay?" The indigo headed male said, trying to calm his friend from bursting through her seems.

"Okay, yeah, that makes a lot of sense..." she said, calming herself down after losing her cool, "but imagine if I acted like this in front of my classmates? I'd lose my reputation as a cold and silent badass."

"You are literally the opposite of that and I can't believe that your stupid 1-A classmates believe your bullshit."

"You'd be surprised how I act around everyone but you," Y/N replies, waving a gloved finger in his direction before walking towards a teacher only gate that was away from the press, "you're a very special person, you're the only person I feel super comfortable around besides my parents...well, scratch that, Ohta-Ran if that! She understands all my complex problems and social failures!"

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