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『 Chapter 32 』

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Chapter 32

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

Dinner was lively, to say that least.

People were screaming, shoveling food into their gullets, asking questions about the camp, and just having a good time. Conviviality, warmth, and a sense of belonging wafted through the air as did the scent of dinner. The meal was delicious, but the Pussycats did say this was the only time they were going to feed the group.

Y/N wouldn't mind the next day though, she really did love to cook. It's been taught to her for her whole life—as her father went to culinary school and her family's income was based off their restaurant. She wouldn't mind making food for everyone, in fact, she was looking forward to it.

But as the supper was coming to a close and the class started to wind down, eating slower and groaning about consuming too much, Y/N knew that they were supposed to bathe in the hot springs right after. She heard there was two separate areas, one for the guys and the other for the girls.

Newsflash, Y/N wasn't going to do that. A large body of water to go in? No. Being undressed around people? Hell no. Revealing skin around people she cares about? Fuck no.

So, before the announcement that it was time to move on from the dining hall, Y/N sought out one of the heroes. They would be understanding, at least, she hoped they would. Honestly, if they said no to her request, she would go the entire week without a bath because she is not going into the hot springs with her friends.

"Excuse me, Pixie-Bob?"

The blonde-haired heroine turned around at her name. She smiled blindingly at the Yuuei student, ready to help in any way she could.

"Yeah, what can I do for you?"

Y/N sighed, almost feeling embarrassed about her question. "I heard we're all supposed to go into the hot springs after dinner, right?" Pixie-Bob nods in reply.

But, before Y/N can even explain the reasoning behind her next question, the adult points a finger in the air, as if a lightbulb had just went off above her head. Her eyes brighten as she comes to a conclusion.

"Oh, you're Hidaka, right? The girl with the skin quirk!" The hero says excitedly.

"Uh...yeah, sure."

The adult deadpans at the broad, yet dull reply. Pixie-Bob isn't convinced at first that the younger girl in front of her isn't replying, but as she analyzes the teen, she knows that it's the right person. She just wonders why Hidaka replied that way. Maybe she had misunderstood what her friend had said about this specific teen? Maybe she said something wrong?

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