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『 Chapter 16 』

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Chapter 16

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

"Y/N, sweetheart," Midnight said as she approached the aspiring hero as she was about to walk out of the stadium, "I have a phone call from your mother, she says it's important."

The words of the seductive hero had effectively gained the attention of the girl in question. Her mind filled with the worst ideas of what could've happened. But, the teen also knew something: her family was here, right? They had purchased tickets to the festival a long time ago, they had great seats, so why was her mother calling her from Midnight's phone? Hidaka's stomach churned as her features paled just the slightest, why was she scared to take the device? What had happened to her family?

Turning her head towards Shouji, whom she was waking beside (and planning to have lunch with), she gave her friend a stiff shrug of her shoulders, her head jutting in the direction where the rest of the students were headed.

With an hour break given out, many people, kids and watchers alike, were going out to eat before the tournament started up again. The movement told the tall boy that his friend was now preoccupied and didn't want to waste his limited time for recharge. With an understanding nod, Mezou has turned around and sauntered off.

Walking over to her teacher, Hidaka graciously accepted the phone. It was the newest smart phone model, the screen un-cracked and as clean as could be. The case enclosing the phone was a sleek light blue, akin to the color of the owner's eyes. Engraved at the bottom of the case said Kayama Nemuri. A cute but simple phone charm hung down from the charging port of the device. The silver chain dangled and swished side to side as the phone moved, the charm itself was the face of a Chiba dog, specially in chibi form.

As she pressed the screen up to her ear, Hidaka held her breath. Her left foot tapped the ground impatiently, her heart slamming against her chest.

Her quirk was telling her to stop, but she didn't.

Looking up at Midnight, Hidaka noticed she had a face of slight confusion—which didn't help calm her students nerves. If Midnight didn't know what was happening, how could Hidaka?

"Hey, mom," Y/N whispered into the phone, trying to listen to the background to see if she could decipher any audio clues, "everything alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it!" Kana replied, Y/N heard a car honk in the background accompanied by her father swearing at an incompetent driver. "Some idiot broke one of the TVs over the bar in the restaurant while watching your festival. One of the waiters said that he got mad that a student had closed their team off in the Calvary Battle, saying that it was unfair that someone could do that. It was you he was talking about, if you couldn't tell. He said that closing their team off in a tower of fire was cheating—"

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