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『 Chapter 8 』

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Chapter 8

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

The panic was beginning to set in as the students watched their teacher prepare himself to attack the mob of villains that were approaching. Aizawa and Todoroki began to openly think about how the sensors weren't working, a villain with a quirk that could block the radio waves was the most plausible explanation for the lack of alarms. The class listened intently to Todoroki's idea of what had happened and how this whole ordeal was planned, it was obvious that this boy was intelligent and strategic.

As the conversation continued, Y/N's eyes drifted to the center plaza, watching the man made of purple smoke wisp around a gigantic creature.

It was disgustingly ugly with its oversized beak with fangs that didn't suit it well, its brain to exposed at the top of its skull, and its eyes didn't seem to have lids and were just sitting there in its sockets, wide and unmoving. She determined that the creatures stature could only hold muscle, and by its vile appearance that seems to go unparalleled to any other creature to exist, that it was not born-it was manufactured, created.

'Why the hell aren't we leaving already?' Y/N screamed in her mind, looking at the two adults in distrust at their lack of action to change the circumstances.

Before she could vocally voice her thoughts, her breath was stolen from her as she watched Aizawa leap from the elevated platform they were on and run straight into the sea of oncoming villains. Everyone watched in wonder at his skills in combat as he dismantled groups of adversaries at a time, he was out of their league.

Standing next to the boy with the green hair, Y/N and Izuku stood at the edge of the stairs, watching their teacher decommission person after person. She was more than impressed at his tenacity and skill that the hate she harbored for him seemed to be nonexistent in the moment. It was just too captivating to look away, Midoriya in the same boat as he watched the pro-hero work his magic. He couldn't even believe his eyes, but they were pulled away after the booming voice from behind the pair called out to them.

"This is no time for analysis, Hidaka and Midoriya, we have to go!"

The two followed Iida and ran down the long stretch of ground, catching up to the rest of their class with ease. But then, a vortex of magenta erupted from the floor, the gaseous figure with the blazing yellow eyes stretched out in front of the door, blocking the exit for the twenty students who stood beside Thirteen.

Y/N felt her ferocity build in her chest as her lungs carried her burden of rage, her hands flexing involuntarily as her mind overtook her body and her quirk ran underneath her skin. She couldn't even hear the voice the emitted from the villain, her flaw of selective hearing coming into play once again as it had with All Might before the battle trial. The blood filled with poison swam under her bandaged skin, her heartbeat filling her ears as this person stood in front of their only escape.

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