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『 Chapter 15 』

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Chapter 15

⤐  ♤  «  〚♞〛  »  ♤  ⬷

With a few short and lackadaisical blinks of her clouded eyes, the whispers of sound return into deafening crashes of the symphony of the crowd.

Blaring sirens of noise hit her like a punch to the gut, her stomach lurching to her throat in shock as the feeling of control returned to her veins, overpoweringly strong and overwhelming is the rush of freedom. Her lips gap as the melody reaches her before the blurry pictures clear.

As if in a vignetted frame, the peripherals around her sight are surrounded with a flash too bright, a color too incomprehensible. Light billows over her while the satin ribbons of a white cloth brush over her eyelashes, a tightly fitted band wrapped around and tied to her forehead.

The feeling of returning into her own mind made her want to vomit, the spreading warmness from her chest and now into her neck, it was only time before the esophagus would be tired of handling so much fire.

Her arms lifted themselves into view, the plastered bandages of alabaster white weaved through her fingers in a neat pattern, every inch of skin surrounded in fire-proof material.

But, before the girl could move her hands to her neck to check if those bandages were still in place, the teen recognized that she had gained a few feet in elevation, her view of the world elevated and slightly bouncy as six legs below her moved rhythmically in sync, too aligned to exist without existential control.

Before Y/N could even think what what she was going to say, multiple white headbands were forced into her hands by one of the people holding her up.

"Tie them around your neck, hurry! There's not much time left!" Shinsou said, his voice adamant as he and the other two males hoisted you higher as them began to run away into the corner of the battlefield, hoping to still stay somewhat unnoticed.

"Shinsou motherfucking Hitoshi, did you brainwash me?!" The girl seethed, quickly throwing the bands around her neck allwhile feeling the black ski-mask constrict her talking and breathing as there was no hole for her mouth.

"You wouldn't listen to my plan when I said you'd be the rider!" Her friend replied quickly, trying to explain himself.

"Because it was a stupid ass plan!" Y/N said while she watched a cloudy headed Ojiro bat away the reaching hand of another team with his muscular tail.

As the last minutes ticked down, Shinsou watched the clock. Snatching enough headbands in to secure a spot in the top four, the indigo headed male was worried that other groups would realize that his team had a lot of points.

With his team's lack of versatile quirks, Hitoshi had turned his head upwards to his childhood friend, his eyes pleading her for a possible idea on what to do.

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