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『 Chapter 25 』

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Chapter 25

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

"Where are you going?"

Hosu City was vertical and overpopulated. Towering skyscrapers and office building with too many windows reached across ever street and cables connected them. Patches of greenery in the midst of the concrete jungle were where inhabitants rested on the uncomfortable wooden benches. Trees with fluffy leaves fresh out of spring reflected the sunshine.

It never seemed to rain in Hosu, at least it never did the times she's been here. Even the air didn't feel humid, nor dry, but somewhere in the sweet spot in the middle. A chill wind flowed from the ruffled clouds, sweeping away dust from the concrete steps of the train station.

The pillars next to the building hand an emblem engraved into it, she guessed it was some sort of crest. They were well wore from the elements, and they weren't the smoothest shapes when one would run their fingers across it—but they had character.

"The agency is not that way."

Across from the station was a giant billboard displaying some law practice and its head lawyer, a stupid slogan next to them in a basic blocky font the shade of pitch. Their marketing team must've sucked.

Y/N had one hand wrapped around a strap of her backpack, which contained all of her necessities for the internship, in the other was her silver suitcase with a neon green 10 on the side of it. The clasps clicked lightly while it jostled with every one of her steps. She wondered how it looked from an outsider's perspective to see the beams of sun reflecting off of the metallic sides?

"Manual should be waiting for us."

It was later in the afternoon. The sun was starting its descent while the temperature began to drop a few degrees every hour. Businesses were shutting down for the day while bars were preparing for the night life. The traffic in the streets was slowing down from rush hour while the sidewalks remained decently full.

The air smelled of cherries. She didn't know why a city so populated didn't smell of people or smog, not of alcohol or heat, but instead of a relaxing berry. Obviously, she did not mind this. It was calming to know that a place such as this had that consistent factor when everything in life was so, well, inconsistent.

Breezing by was a crisp wisp of air, fluttering her hair away from her face while ruffling the pleats in her skirt. A few heads would turn to see someone displaying the Yuuei uniform. They would do a quick double-take, stare at their features and see if they were familiar, subtly smile to themselves, and move on with their day.

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