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『 Chapter 9 』

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Chapter 9

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

God, there was so much blood.

The way the liquid tainted the air with the foul smell of acrid, stale meat-it was putrid. The odor of the plasma left a tang of the back of the throats of the people who were nearby the source, causing involuntary gags and revulsion coming up from the throat.

It oozed slowly from the host, congregating in a puddle, looking like it came out of a shitty horror movie.

But the sound was worse. Forcefully combining bone and skin to concrete, Nomu relentlessly drilled its victim into the ground with its seemingly limitless strength. A repetitious and continuous pop resounded with every bash.

The whine in pain was suppressed after the initial blow, but even if it loud, it was covered by a third party who was erupting in emotion.


Y/N was about to reach her teacher before Nomus hand when a slimy tongue wrapped around her waist, yanking her away from the conflict before she could replace Eraserhead in the devastating blow. Tsuyu made the split-second decision to pull the new student away from the monster, effectively saving her from what could've easily killed her.

The long frog-like muscle from Tsu's mouth pulled Y/N over to where the three students from the shipwreck zone were hiding. Even while Tsu was pulling Y/N away, her eyes still could only see her teacher being pulverized by the creature designed to kill All-Might. The frog hero dropped Y/N down on the ground beside the water, watching as her body crumbled in on itself in sheer exhaustion.

Quakes shivered up and down her legs, seemingly unable to stop no matter how much Midoriya tried to console her. Her face shadowed by her own hair and she curled up and sat on her knees, her quivering arms wrapping around herself in an attempt for comfort.

Her lungs burned from the lactic acid that was building up when she was dodging the black goliath's attacks, her breath was brittle and wheezy, her hands sliding up in shame to try to hide the sounds she was making as she tried to recover her lost breath.

Turning her head towards the two villains and the incapacitated hero, Y/N's eyes dilated and her body flinched with every connection Shoutas head made with the terrain.

Overwhelming guilt swarmed over her body in convulsions and shortness of breath, but she couldn't turn her eyes away. She just watched without even attempting to move, her body sore and unable to stand as all of the desire and urgency left her soul and was replaced with humiliation and stigma.

How absolutely fucking disgusting was she?

And to think, she wanted to be a hero?

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