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『 Chapter 31 』

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Chapter 31

[ do you guys ever just think about villain Hidaka? because i do, like, all the time, and it's taken my life over istg. if i were to make a bonus villain AU chapter for fun, would you guys want to see that? and if so, do you have ideas for it? ]

⤐ ♤ « 〚♞〛 » ♤ ⬷

Hidaka wanted to knock this kid upside the head.

"What!? There are people in 1-A taking extra classes!?" A blond male yells histrionically with over-exuded enthusiasm. He wears a mocking grin with wide eyes. "I thought class 1-A was supposed to be superior in every way!"

The two buses had pulled up to the side of the school, one for each heroics class, causing them to meet in the middle. They were large and tall, and Y/N hoped they had better seating arrangements than the buses to USJ. Shouji had already asked to sit with her, to which she happily agreed, but she didn't want anything to go sideways and sit beside Bakugou again.

She had always clashed with the bombastic teen, but not in a hostile or vicious way. Both of them had large personalities and egos, each with a powerful quirk and the whole world telling them to be great and expecting them to do so. They're so similar that it's no surprise they're not the best of friends.

Y/N had tried to avoid him in every way when it came to fighting or sparring. It's not like she couldn't take him in a fight, it's just that his quirk, explosions, didn't solicit the best reaction out of her. Explosions made her sick to her stomach, mind falling away and gut lurching. Luckily, throughout the first term, she had successfully steered clear of fighting him or having to be near him using his quirk, but that wouldn't last forever.

But Bakugou has tried to do the opposite. He would yell and snarl, demanding that they would have their fight. Every time this would come up, he would respond with something along the lines of "C'mon, Pop-Rocks! Fight me for real this time, you coward! There's no escaping from me this time!"

It never came to fruition though, much to her delight and his dissatisfaction. She hadn't given it much thought, as she never researched the ending of the Sports Festival after she was announced the winner of her semifinal (as everything after Present Mic's voice is too blurry), but she knew that Bakugou was given the win by default as Recovery Girl had pulled her out of the finale before it began. It must've been a blow to his pride.

Anyways, the loud nuisance, who's name she has figured out to be Monoma, is knocked in the back of the neck by a classmate of his.

Y/N watched as a girl with a side ponytail grabbed the boy by his collar and hoisted him up slightly. She gave a sheepish, apologetic smile towards 1-A, saying a quick "Sorry!" for the obnoxious behavior of, who seemed to be, her friend.

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