A Letter to the Ones Who Broke My Heart.

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Fuck you. Fuck all of you. What gives you the right to hurt me, break my heart in two and pretend like nothing happened? I understand you might have issues, but that doesn't give you the fucking right to break my heart. Pretend as if you love me, care for me, and then rip my heart out, leave me to die. I am honestly so sick of forgiving people. I am so sick of being fucked over. How fucking dare you think I do not deserve to be treated like a human being. How sick and twisted do you have to be to hurt someone like that? I am fuming right now. I am so sick of pretending like I'm okay, and pretending like I'm okay with being hurt but I'm not. I'm so sick of living a lie. I'm so sick of living in a society where telling the truth isn't even considered a social norm anymore. It fucking breaks me to know that I live in a society where I can't even be treated like a decent human being. I am so sick of people and being alive, my wrists are just itching to feel something. Something that brings pain to relieve the pain. It fucking sucks that I've had to resort to cutting my wrists and thighs because I can't trust anyone anymore. How sad and tragic is it that I can't trust anyone in fear of being made fun of, rejected, lectured?

I told my mum I wanted to die. You know what she said? "Just stop being so selfish"

I'm just so sick of pretending like I'm fine. I'm sick of being alive and I don't care anymore. I'm sick of being heartbroken.

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