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Chapter 28; Little Too Much Fun

Tap tap!

Alli turned around in her car, frightened almost to death. She expected to see a murderer or some sort of criminal standing by her window, but she only saw Tarah.

Who, in Alli's mind, could easily pass for a murderer any day.

Hesitantly, she rolled down her window, tears still on her cheeks.

"What do you want?" She sniffed.

"Alli. I broke up with Ashton. It's stupid that he would try to date two girls at the same time. I'm not saying you two should get back together, that's the opposite of what I'm saying." Tarah seemed sympathetic. "I don't want you to be mad at me, and I don't want to be mad at you. We should both channel our anger against Ashton. He's the real problem."

Alli understood what she meant and smirked. She gestured for her to hop into her car as they drove down to the nearest convenience store.

Returning to Ashton's house the girls emerged from the car, both with a carton of eggs. (((a/n: nO thIs isNT tfiOs i proMiSe)))

Tarah took position near the porch, so if someone opened the door, they'd see her instead of Alli. Tarah was considerate and kind. But that didn't matter right now. Alli stood on the driveway, able to hit the garage, roof, or even the cars.

It seemed like a horrible thing to do, but after a few minutes, they were having a bit of fun. Throwing eggs everywhere, Ashton's house was left a mess of yellow yolks and shells strewn all over the ground. Laughter made its way into the activity, and before they knew it, they both only had two more eggs left.

Just as the we're going to throw it at Ashton's beautiful looking Mercedes Benz, the door swung open, a shocked Ashton standing right in front of Tarah.

You would expect her to be scared and run off, but she stood her ground, smirking.

Before Alli could run over to stop her, Tarah had thrown her last eggs at Ashton, leaving him a yellow, gooey mess.

"You can get the bacon yourself!" Was the last thing Alli screamed at him before giggling and running off with her new found friend.

Kik ☀︎ CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now