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Steve sat quietly reading a book in the common room of the compound.

"Steve!" Steve sighed as he heard his husband calling his name. What did the man want?

"What Tony?" Steve shouted back

"I got a surprise!" Steve looked suspicious of Tony's surprise and put his book down as Tony entered the common room with their son Peter, who was smiling crazily. This was going to be strange to say the least

"This is our son Peter," Tony started

Steve looked confused, "I am aware."

"Hey pops," Peter waves and Steve waved back

"Hey Petey," Steve loves his son and his husband, but sometimes, they just didn't know when to stop.

"Okay Steve, this is the next surprise, eh, —es?" Tony started and opened the door pulling someone inside, a boy, slightly older than Peter, "this is my other son you never met, Harley,"

Steve starred blankly at the boy and Tony pulled someone else into the room, a blue girl with robotic parts, "and this is my lovely daughter I met in space, Nebula,"

Steve sighed, "Tony, you can't just adopt people when you feel sad,"

"I'm going to ignore that, Nebula, Harley, say hi to your baby brother and your new other dad!" Tony smiled widely

... and that is How Tony and Steve became the fathers of not one but three children, one normal human, one spider-child, and one alien warrior.

A/N: I re-read this many times. Each time I question my sanity

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