Trust... Betrayal

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"What's up, Parker?" Carol asked as she sat down next to the teenager. 

She had seen Nick and had convinced him to come over to the Avenger's Tower. When she arrived the only person that was free was the spider-kid. She liked him. He was tough.

"H-hi, Ms. Captain Marvel,"

"Drop the 'Ms', kid. It makes me feel old." Carol laughed.

There was a moment of silence while Nick stood grumpily near a window.

"Do you know how Fury lost his eye?" Carol asked suddenly.

Peter shrugged, "I asked him once and he said to never trust anyone because the last time he trusted someone, he lost his eye."

Fury suddenly stopped brooding as Carol laughed.

"Oh my god, he never told you? He actually lost his eye--!"

Fury quickly slapped a hand over Carol's mouth, "OKAY! That's enough of that."

A/N: someone showed too much love to Goose.


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