Field Trip Cliché with a Cliché twist

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Peter sighed as he stepped off the iconic yellow Mid-Town High school bus. He and the decathlon team were visiting Stark Industries because his teacher, Mr. Harrington, had gotten an e-mail invitation to bring the decathlon team to SI.

"Come on loser," MJ said. "Stop moping and get a move on."

Peter grumbled. "Easy for you to say MJ, we aren't touring your family's business slash home."

MJ raised an eyebrow. "Did you just talk back to me?"

"He totally did." Ned said jokingly as the three laughed.

"But seriously guys. Mr. Harrington could not have picked a worse date. Dad has like five business meetings and then the rouges are going to come over, and you know how they are." Peter rolled his eyes, "'Hey, we are the avengers and you have to listen to us, cuz we're always right'" He said in a mocking tone.

Ned was about to say something when somebody hit Peter on the back of the head.

"Hey penis, ready for your lies to be exposed? It's not to late to admit that you're lying." Flash said cockily. "We all know that if Tony Stark were to pick anyone from Mid-Town to be his personal assistant it would be me." He jerked his thumb at himself with a confident grin.

Peter rolled his eyes and went back to his conversation with Ned and MJ.


Everything was going wrong.

Flash was taunting Peter and trying to touch things. Peter had to disable and reenable like twelve alarms. And on top of that Flash kept opening random doors and interrupted like three meetings. Pepper, his mom, would never let Peter hear the end of it.

"Come on penis." Flash taunted. "Where's your buddy Tony Stark?"

"I'm pretty sure he's off doing things billionares do, Eugene," MJ said without looking up from her book.

Mr. Harrington put his hand on MJ's book, "Miss Jones, do you think you could put down the book? We are on a tour of--"


"Okay, carry on."

Peter sighed as Flash was distracted by the tour guide talking about something else. He spaced out again. After a few minutes he bumped into Ned who had suddenly stopped. "Huh?"

"Okay students, this right here is a meeting between the Avengers. As you can see Mr. Stark, Ironman, and Mr. Rogers, Captain America, are discussing something." The tour guide explained, oblivious to the mess that was about to occur in about two minutes.

Peter was panicking, Tony, his dad, (if you haven't figured that out by now) and the rouges were definitely not on good terms. In fact they were on thin fucking ice. Peter had to do something before the rouges caused his dad to have a panic attack.

He back away from the group, he knew MJ and Ned would distract them if they noticed he was gone, and slowly inched towards the door. He went to the key pad on the door and typed in his birthday, that was usually the passcode to the locked doors.

"You have to back off Tony!" Mr. Rogers said angrily. "We won't side with you on this." (Just so you all know, the whole Accords thing had me utterly confused, so I'm just half-assing this part)

Dad groaned, Peter could tell that the anxiety was coming up, "I don't want you to side with me! I just want you to sign this so that at least you won't be fucking fugitives!"

"We don't need your help!"

"Yes you do--!" Dad was cut off by a spark intake of breath, the anxiety was kicking in. He slumped forward in the chair holding his chest breathing hard. Peter knew he had to do something, he couldn't just hide in the corner like he had been for the past thirty seconds.

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