Best Non-Planned Date Ever!!!💖💖💖💖

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A/N: No offense to any cool Brads out there.

MJ sighed. This was turning into a horrible night. She was sitting in a restaurant waiting for her douche of a boyfriend, Brad (He even has a douche name), to show up. She had a horrible feeling that he had stood her up.

"Ma'am, are you ready to order yet?" the waitress asked for the tenth time.

MJ could have died from embarrassment right then and there. If Brad didn't show up in the next five seconds, MJ was going to personally remove his balls from his body and stuff them down his throat. This had to be like the fifth time Brad did this to her. And she would not answer well to the sixth time.

"No, not yet. Sorry." MJ said with an awkward smile, "I'm waiting for somebody," She pushed a strand of her curly hair behind her ear.

The waitress gave her a look before nodding and walking to another table. In fact, pretty much everybody was giving her the same look. The, 'Oh my god she just got stood up, I feel bad for her,' look.

MJ would not stand for that! She was a strong independent woman! She would not allow Brad to get away with this! But maybe she would buy ice cream and watch a sad movie first. Although she would never admit it, those looks stung.

Suddenly, somebody plopped down in the seat in front of her. She thought it was Brad at first and she was ready to rip him a new one. But when she looked up it was a boy she didn't know. He was dressed in a blue button-up and black slacks. Simple, but effective in MJ's opinion.

"Sorry, babe, traffic was a bitch tonight," he said loudly. The dinners and the waiters turned to them, "I didn't make you wait long, did I?"

MJ stared at him unsure of what to do. The boy lowered his voice and whispered, "Hey, I'm Peter, just go with it. Whoever didn't show up is a dick."

MJ nodded, "No, not long," she said.

-(⊙_⊙;) Oscar is back everybody!!-

Peter sighed as he sat next to his dad and mom. They had dragged him along for another business dinner. Now he was sitting at a table with his parents and like five other old people when he could be out and about as Spider-Man. But no, he needed to be a pretty face right now so that his dad could make a deal. At least his dad would get him some cool new stuff after this.

"What do you think Underoos?" His dad asked.

"Uh... what?" Peter asked.

"About the deal, sweetheart. What do you think about the deal?" His mom asked.

Peter nodded, "Oh- the deal, yeah the deal is fine," He said. He had absolutely no idea what the deal was about. But his parents seemed to like that answer.

Peter ran a hand through his hair as he zoned out. The last thing he heard was one of the old men saying, "Stark, you have a bright young man as your son," Peter couldn't care less. He was just bored out of his mind.

His eyes wandered the restaurant and landed on a pretty girl who was all alone. She looked to be waiting for somebody. But she had been waiting for around an hour now. Whoever stood up a girl that pretty was a dick. Peter watched for her a bit, she just sent away the waitress.

The girl looked really uncomfortable. Peter stood up and excused himself. 

He walked over to the bathroom and climbed out of the window. Then he ran to the front of the restaurant and plopped down in front of the girl. "Sorry, babe, traffic was a bitch tonight," Peter said loudly, "I didn't make you wait long, did I?"

The girl had a confused look on her face. It was cute. Peter smiled and lowered his voice to a whisper, "Hey, I'm Peter, just go with it. Whoever didn't show up is a dick."

The girl nodded and said, "No, not long,"

Peter smiled, "That's good." He waved at the waitress, "Hey, we're ready to order,"

The waitress nodded with a small smile and walked over to them. "What would you like?" She asked.

Peter grinned, "I'll have the steak special with a soda and the lady will have anything she wants." The girl looked confused for a second before ordering.

"I'll have a chicken alfredo." The girl said. "and water," She added.

The waitress nodded and wrote down their orders and walked to the kitchen. Peter turned to the girl with a smile, "What's your name?" he asked.

"Michelle Jones, but my friends call me MJ." She said.

"Nice to meet you MJ," Peter said, "I hope you don't mind me jumping in like this."

MJ smiled, seemingly more relaxed, "It's fine. I doubted Brad would even show up in the first place." she said.

"His name is Brad?" Peter asked. MJ nodded and Peter whistled, "Damn, he even has a dick name. No offense or anything," Peter added quickly.

"Nah, it's fine. He is totally a dick. This isn't even the first time he does this." MJ said, "I don't know why I thought it would be different this time." she sighed and Peter took this as an opportunity to change the subject.

"So what school do you go too?" Peter asked. "You look around my age,"

"Midtown Tech." MJ said, "What about you?"

"Oh, I'm homeschooled." Peter said, "Not by choice." he added.

"Then why?" MJ asked.

Peter shrugged, "I guess my parents didn't want me too. I've always wanted to go to a regular school. What about you? Do you like going to a regular school?"

MJ looked thoughtful, it was a good look on her, "I guess it's alright. You can make a lot of good friends and teachers are always willing to help. So yeah, I guess I like it."

"That's cool. Do you have any hobbies?" Peter asked. 

"I like art. And protesting. Reading is also nice." MJ smiled at him. "How about you, Peter?"

"Hmm, photography. And anything that is even remotely related to science. I'm like my dad that way." Peter said. He usually spent his time in the garage with his dad, fixing cars or in the lab making stuff that would usually make his mom yell at them.

Peter and MJ talked for a few hours after that while they ate. It was probably the best non-planned date anybody had ever had! MJ had even given Peter her number! As he walked her out of the restaurant he stopped and turned to her.

"Um, MJ, I was wondering... if you would like to hang out sometime? like, if you would like to go to the movies or to a museum or something." Peter asked awkwardly.

MJ looked shocked before smiling, "Uh, yeah, that would be nice... and um, thanks Peter. For tonight." A car horn honked and MJ grinned, "My dad is here. But text me when you want to hang out. I'll see if I'm free." MJ waved as she got into her dad's car and drove off.

Peter had a goofy smile and was stuck in his own world until two hands landed on his shoulders, "You like her~" His parents teased. Peter blushed bright red and jumped at the suddenness of his parents. They were not going to let him live this down any time soon.

A/N: Hello my peopleeeeeeee..... So with this story, I am giving you a choice;




Bye peeps


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