🔥🕷SpideyTorch pt 2🕷🔥

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A/N: I'm back~~

Please don't kill me I know I've been gone for so long, I'm so sorry 😭


"I don't see why you're so nervous, babe. I already met your aunt." Johnny said, "And that went off without a hitch. She loved me."

Peter gave his boyfriend a look. Johnny raised his hands in surrender, an amused smile plastered on his handsome face. Why was he so handsome? Jesus, Peter needed to focus. "This is completely different, Johnny. You met my aunt. My aunt is a lovely normal person. Now you have to meet Mr. Stark because he wants too. Mr. Stark."

"So I get to meet Tony Stark?" Johnny asked.

"And probably the rest of the Avengers since I know for a fact Mr. Stark can't keep his mouth shut."

"Wow. That's some serious shade you're throwing."

Peter rolled his eyes. He was seriously trying not to smile. Johnny hadn't even said anything funny. Peter just always felt like smiling whenever he was near Johnny. It was a good feeling, so he hoped Mr. Stark would approve of Johnny. He didn't even know why he wanted Mr. Stark to approve. Mr. Stark wasn't his dad or anything. (Sure, Pete, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.)

"Johnny," Peter whined.

"Aw, come on you're smiling," Johnny said teasingly, "You're smiling~"

Peter laughed as Johnny poked his cheek playfully, pulling him into a hug.

"Look, Pete, you're worrying about nothing. We'll have dinner, like with your aunt, talk a little and it'll be fine." Johnny assured Peter.

"Okay," Peter said after a moment. "I'll see you later tonight."


"You know, kiddo, I feel like you're anxious."

Peter looked at his mentor. Way to be Captain Obvious, Mr. Stark! Peter thought as he continued to pace on the ceiling.

"Pete, you're gonna wear my ceiling out. Get down here and help me annoy Steve while he cooks." Tony grinned.

Peter stopped and looked at Tony again, this time a grin spreading on his face. He jumped down, doing a flip on the way, and landed perfectly. Tony put an arm around Peter's shoulders, dragging him to the kitchen. Steve was cooking some pasta or something while Bucky was baking. Peter and Tony took turns asking questions and touching stuff until they were finally kicked out of the kitchen and banished to the living room with the other 'kitchen destroyers' as Bucky and Steve called them.

The Kitchen Destroyers were Nat, Clint, Sam, and Bruce. Nat, Clint, and Sam had obviously been playing the same game. Bruce had taken it to the next level and tried to incorporate science to make cooking/baking 'more effective'.

"So," Clint sighed after about five minutes of boredom, "when's your boy toy getting here?"

Peter's face turned pink, "Johnny is not my boy toy!" he squeaked, "I-- I mean, he is not my boy toy," Peter tried again, clearing his throat as to not sound so squeaky.

"So his name is Johnny," Nat smirked.

"Is he a nerd?" Sam asked, "Johnny sounds like a nerd name. Like Peter."

Peter rolled his eyes at the jab.

"Come on guys," Bruce tried to get the heat off Peter.

"No, no, Peter has refused to tell us anything about his boy toy--"

"Not my boy toy, Mr. Stark,"

"--whatever, but I need to know bout this kid." Tony grinned. 

"The food will be done in twenty minutes," Steve called from the kitchen. There was a small crash. "The food will be done in thirty minutes," Steve added.

Peter heard Bucky mutter something like 'Damn ovens, why do they have so many knobs now?'

Peter snorted. As good as Steve and Bucky were at cooking, they were still not used to Tony's upgraded kitchen appliances. It was funny to watch sometimes. Peter will never forget the day Steve had almost had a heart attack when he grabbed the fridge handle and the fridge turned clear, showing all the food inside. Steve had screamed and let go of the fridge as it clouded over again.

"Hello, I still need information about your boy toy."

"Can't you guys be normal and call him my boyfriend like normal people."

Tony looked at the others who looked at him and then they all looked at Peter and collectively said, "Nope."

Peter avoided all questions for thirty minutes until he finally looked around, "Where's Thor?"

(I'm gonna be completely honest, I forgot about Thor until now and I feel completely guilty about that. I LOVE Thor.)

"He said something about finding the wizard with infinite ale." Bruce shrugged.

"AVENGERS!" Thor's voice boomed, "My friends! I have found a young warrior who is here for Peter!"

"Oh shoot, Johnny," Peter muttered.

Thor walked into the living room, pushing Johnny in front of him with his hand tightly grasping the collar of Johnny's crisp blue button-up shirt. "Peter, do you know this young warrior?" Thor asked.

"That's my boyfriend. Hey, Johnny," 

"Hi, babe," Johnny smiled, "Can you tell him to let me go?"

After Thor had let go of Johnny's collar. Peter painfully introduced Johnny to the Avengers. Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, Thor, Nat, Clint, Sam, Steve, and Bucky. Unfortunately, Pepper wasn't present. She was being a badass in Italy. Although it was kind of good for Peter because, damn can Pepper put the fear of God into anyone.

"So, you are Peter's mysterious boyfriend."

"Yes sir," Johnny nodded. "Not that mysterious anymore, am I right?"

"I honestly thought he'd be a nerd," Sam told Bucky.

Tony ignored Sam's whispering and rested his chin on his hands, "So, you're brother-in-law is Reed Richards, yes?"

Johnny laughed nervously at Tony's tone, "... yes?"

"Can you tell him to stic--"

"And we are ignoring that comment," Peter cut off his father figure.

"Um, this food is really good," Johnny said.

After the first part of dinner, everything got better. Johnny managed to win over Steve and Bucky with his interest in cooking. He won over Sam and Clint by playing videogames with them. He'd won Bruce over by letting the scientist test his powers. And finally, he'd won Tony over in the most anti-climatic way. He'd won Nat over by being respectful and having mentioned that he went with Peter to one of his dance classes.

Their music taste.

That's what had made Tony decide, hey this kid isn't so bad, I'll allow him to date my son-- uh, student.

But at least nobody died. So Johnny was right. Peter had been worrying for nothing.

So... I've been gone for months... forgive me, please.

Please believe me when I say I've just been busy, I haven't forgotten about this and I need to get it to 100 chapters before I can move on. My writing is a little rusty, so this probably isn't my best.

Goodbye, my nerds, I'll try to be back next week


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