Phone Calls (3)

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This one goes out to @Anora_Riddle-Malfoy

Love your name by the way, it's awesome!

Also read the A/N at the end of this chapter!

Peter was in chemistry class secretly working on his web fluid since he had finished all the other work they had been assigned. (Btw this takes place as an alternate too the Tony is his dad, so the Deadpool phone call happened already, but not the Irondad one)

Peter was in the zone ignoring most of what was happening until MJ elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for?" Peter snapped lowly and noticed everyone staring at him and Flash chuckling lowly (my worst nightmare is to be doing something and then everybody stares at me and I have to wonder why, it's terrifying!) which confused Peter.

"Mr. Parker. Answer the phone." Mr. What's-his-name said angrily.

That's when Peter noticed his phone buzzing loudly. Peter groaned, of course this had to happen to him. Damn his frickin' luck!

Peter answered the phone with out even looking at the contact.

{Peter, babe, we have a problem.}

Peter groaned while Flash made weird kissy faces much to the amusement of his classmates and teacher. "What happened now Mom?"

The class stopped laughing and stared at Peter they had asumes he didn't have parents based on how he always avoided the question...

{Hon, what did you put in your father's arm?}

"What do you mean, 'what did you put in your father's arm?'?" Peter asked.

{I mean we were at... work... and well you know how it is Hon, we did the job and on our way out his arm blew up! I mean it was hilarious watching him run around, but still,}

The woman on the other end of the phone snorted as a man shouted profanities in what sounded like Russian. The class looked confused while Peter laughed with the woman, "Sorry Pops,"

{What the heck Peter!}

"It was Uncle Tony! I swear!" Peter choked out through laughter.

{are you laughing at me!? You're laughing at me! Do you know you gave you life!?}

The man shouted through the phone.

"Yeah, it was mom." Peter replies and the line went quiet for a second.

{and don't forget that! Your mom is the boss.}

"I know Pops."

{Bucky, give me the phone!}

{Hands off, Nat! Hands off!}

{I'll break your good hand!}

{touchy— holy shit! Natasha! Keep your hands on the wheel! On the wheel! Not my neck!}

{give me the phone then! I want to talk to my son!}

"Mom? You might want to keep your hands on the wheel, I don't want you guys to crash." Peter interrupted the fight.

{Oh, alright. But only because you asked, okay baby?}

"I'm not a baby." Peter pouted, which most of the girls had to agree looked adorable.

{are you pouting? You're pouting!}

"Jeez, Mom, are you watching me?"

{yeah! Security cameras!}

"Pops, that is creepy as hell." Peter said.

{anyway, Peter. Your dad is short on arm and your Uncle Tony is in Italy for the week. So we're picking you up early, okay babe?}

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