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HI MY NAME IS William Byers, I'm 16 and I'm an alcoholic.
Yes, there was no denying it now: He, Will Byers, was an alcoholic.

But could anyone really be surprised that's how he turned out? His abusive father had made his life miserable for 10 years, and then abandoned them. Will's mom was forced to work nonstop, leaving Will with his older brother the whole day.

And that's not even the craziest part of his life.

But he couldn't really think about that...  basically two years were a total blur of monsters and hospitals. 

Skip to Will at 14. Finally, he got to be a normal kid. Finally he could play D&D with his friends, have the summer of their lives- but that summer he realized it was too late, he realized everyone had moved on.
And then the monsters came back, and his friend Eleven's adoptive dad (and his mom's new boyfriend) Hopper was killed. Which sent El to live with Will and his family.

Oh, and did he mention that El was dating his best friend, Mike wheeler? No? Did he mention that he was totally, completely, 100% in love with Mike?

Now, skip two years later. His older brother Jonathan had left for college in New York a year ago and Will hadn't seen him since, except once on Christmas. 

Hopper's death had destroyed his mom, and after helping El settle into her new home she dove into hard work, even harder them after his dad left, taking on four jobs at a time, leaving Will and El alone at home. She tried, but something broke in her. 

She barely talked to Will at all, never spending more then a few hours at home. Keeping busy. And El? Well, she kept busy too.

And that's where he was now, at home, sitting on his bedroom floor and listening to El and Mike giggle happily from El's room behind the thin walls,his head pounding in pain, wishing he was anywhere else in the world. 

Wishing he could leave school and live with Jonathan in NYC,so he could get away from his mess of a life. Wishing he was in there with Mike, not El.
It's not my fault you don't like girls! Mike's voice called in his head, bringing him back to that day two summers ago. That was his usual cue to take a shot.

Will took four large sips from his water bottle, the bottle that definitely didn't have any water in it. He shuddered as the alcohol burned his throat on the way down, but at least he didn't cough anymore. 

He hated alcohol, it was completely disgusting. 

But it did the job. 

After barley two minutes his mind was wrapped in the cozy numbness he knew so well, clearing the terrible headache. 

And suddenly the giggles coming from the room adjacent were much easier to endure, the bright morning light didn't burn his eyes quite as much. A knock sounded on his door.

"Yeah?" Will crocked, and cleared his throat to make his voice clearer. 

El pushed the door open, her short brown hair in a messy bun and her brown eyes glittering happily. Mike was standing behind her, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. 

His black curls glittered in the faint light coming from Will's window, his perfect brown eyes smiling at him. His lips were their usual  perfect pink, smeared with a little of El's pink shiny gloss. 

What Will wouldn't give to reach up and kiss them....

"Ready for school?" Mike asked, tugging on the strap of his backpack. Will glanced at his watch, trying to make the small numbers stay still. 8:03. they really were running late.
"Meet you at the door in five minutes," Will said. El nodded happily, and the two left the room. A few seconds later the giggles started back up.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

Will shook the water bottle. It was 1/4 of the way full. It would be enough for the school day, but what about afterwards? Will checked under the wobbly plank on his floor. Only one bottle 

remained full, the rest were completely empty. There were dozens of empty bottles there... Hadn't he emptied hideout just a few weeks ago?

Will hurried to check his desk drawer until he found his small safe. He emptied it into his hand;
5.25$. Not nearly enough.
Will felt a shudder going through his spine, his forehead started filling with cold sweat. If he didn't find much more money soon... He'd have to do that again tonight.

 Will checked the pockets of his coat, then ran out into his mother's room and looked through her drawers. Nothing. He ran into Jonathan's room, not stopping to look around. 

He knew if he did he wouldn't be able to stop the tears. He looked through his brother's desk, finding a crisp 5$ bill. Better, but still not nearly enough. Will sighed, his stomach heavy. But he knew this was coming soon, it had been so long since he last did it... what was it now, three, four weeks? Will ran to the phone in his mother's room, pressing in the numbers he knew way too well. 

The phone rang once, twice, then a woman answered, her silky voice sending another wave of chills down Will's back. "Hello?" she said.
"Will. Today, 4:15. 70$'s worth. Yeah, I have 10$. I know, I know. Thanks," He said, hanging up. Will put his head in his head, trying to breathe normally.

Looked like today was going to be even worse then the day before. Will heard a small giggle escaping his lips. Every day was worse then the one before.


Hi! Thanks for choosing to read my story! If you haven't,  check out my first story "Like we used to be (BYLER)" which is now complete if you want. Anyway, I'll try to update this about once a day- every other day. School can be a little crazy, So I'll see... Anyway, hope you'll enjoy this!

also, a big thanks to  DrLazy  for the idea! (I just realized i forgot to put it in the first chapter I only put it in the description oops) anyway check him out he's amazing promise you won't regret it!!!

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