- ¢нαρтєя 18 -

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Mike looked up from the floor. He wasn't sure how long he sat there, staring at the floor of the small hospital but now the room had a few more people in it, including the person who had spoken to him; Lucas.

Mike struggled to speak. "Will, he's-"
"Mike? what happened?" Mike heard again, and this time it was Dustin who was sprinting to them, almost tripping on some lady's bag.

"Will has alcohol poisoning," Mike said. His voice was strange, so empty and unfamiliar. His brain wasn't working properly. 
"What? how in the hell did he drink so much on a fucking Monday morning?" Dustin asked, not judging but completely puzzled. Mike looked at his two best friends, and then at the almost empty room, and sighed. Maybe telling them would some how distract him?
"We betters sit down. It's kind of a long story."

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By the time Mike finished telling them everything that had happened on Will's birthday and the other pieces of information he had managed to gather that week (Excluding his relationship with Will, of course: he couldn't handle that conversation at the moment) El and Max had quietly joined their little group.

Every one set there, silent. Mike was pretty sure he saw a tear forming in the edge of El's eye.

"Wow... Will. I mean, after the way Lonnie was I didn't think he'd ever touch alcohol...." Dustin said.
" It's so unlike Will... I can't even imagine him drunk." Lucas added. Mike shuddered with the image of that night he had seen Will drunk.

Something was wrong with the way they reacted though. Mike tried to understand why it bothered him so much; what had they said that was wrong? they were confused... but as he looked through the faces of his friends again, he realized they actually didn't look that worried. Confused, sad, yes. But worry for their friend's life? nothing.

"You're not worried." Mike stated blankly, looking at them again. If it was anyone of them in there, Will would be frantic right now.

"Yeah, of course we are! Our friend is an alcoholic!" Dustin called out, and looked at Mike with a determined look in his eyes.
"That's not what I meant." Mike said again, feeling his mind get warmer with annoyance and anger.
"Well... Will's tough," Lucas said cautiously. 
"Yeah, if he survived a week in the upside down what's a bottle of whiskey?" Max laughed a shaky laugh.

That's when Mike really lost it.

"Do you think maybe he's not made of stone? maybe him being tough doesn't mean he can get out of anything?" Mike was yelling now, he couldn't help himself. He realized he was on his feet now, saw the few other people looking at him. He knew he was making a scene, that he should calm down, but he simply had to.
"Will is having his fucking stomach pumped, he's literally overdosing, and you guys aren't even worried?!"
"Mike, he'll be fine-"  Lucas' voice.
"You don't fucking know that, Lucas! you didn't see him! you didn't see how he was! you don't know he'll be fine!"
"Mike, Calm down!" El.
"No, I won't calm down! because I love him and I can't lose him again!" thinking of the week Will had spent in the upside down, how he saw the mindflayer take control of Will and slowly lost him... and then he realized he had said it out loud.


"We all love him, Mike!" Dustin said. He hadn't understood, thank god.
"Not the way I do. He's my fucking boyfriend, okay?" and there he went and said it anyway.

Then it was silent again, but in a different way. It was a more charged silence, weird.
"Oh." Was all Dustin said.

Mike looked at El's face, and she stared him back. Her face was a little pained, But Mike couldn't feel guilty at the moment, not when he was this worried for Will. He knew he shouldn't love Will, not after dating him for barley a week, but he just did. Truth was, he felt like he had been dating him for way longer than that, for years on years. He loved Will with all his heart, and he couldn't bare losing him. Not like this. Not now.

"Hey, It's okay," Mike suddenly felt Max's hand on his shoulder, and realized tears were streaming down his cheek in an alarming pace.

He tried very hard to compose himself, blinking ferociously to try and stop them but to no avail. It was so humiliating... He sunk back into the plastic chair, too tired to care.

"Is Mr. Wheeler here?" He suddenly heard a voice he knew belonged to Will's doctor.
Mike jumped up again, basically running to the doctor's side.
"Is the surgery over? is Will okay?" 
"This is Ms. Smith," the doctor said, ignoring Mike's questions to reveal a short woman standing behind him, with long blonde hair and a mustard-yellow pantsuit. She had a tired, depressed look in her eyes, like she had been awake for centuries taking care of every bad thing to ever happen to any human ever. She could've been 20 or 40, Mike couldn't tell.

"I think you guys better have a talk. Somewhere... private."
Mike felt his stomach drop at a million miles per hour as Ms. Smith turned and started walking fast towards a small office. He started walking after her, his feet feeling like they were made of iron, so hard to move.

Whatever they had to talk about, it wasn't going to be good news.


Okay guys I'm back from all my trips so the next part will come tomorrow, sorry this is short but I'm so so tired and really wanted to write something today. 

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