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THE NEXT WEEK was very, very horrible.

He didn't get any more episodes, but it didn't really matter: The nightmares were almost as bad. Each night he'd be transported back to the upside down, back to all his worst memories. The dreams were so scary he'd wake up after no more than an hour or two of sleep, and didn't dare try to drift off again. It wasn't worth it.

The sleep deprivation only made him more on edge. It was so bad at this point he seriously considered drinki-

No. He wasn't going back there.

But he was so tired and tense, the days passed in a blur. It was the worst week he had in a very long time- and hiding it from Mike just seemed to make it worse. He hated hiding something from Mike, but he didn't want to worry him again. 

At least, that's what he told himself for the first few days. 

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

He woke up at 6:15 am on Saturday, and immediately burst into tears. 

He couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't stand the tension, he couldn't stand the nightmares. 

He felt like he was going crazy- and that's why he knew he had to tell Mike. When he had last felt this way, he had told Mike. He remembered just how understanding and sweet he was.. How Mike was the one thing he held to, the one thing he knew would always be there for him.

Well, if we're both going crazy at least we'll go crazy together, right?

Yeah, crazy together.

and he needed that now, maybe more than ever. 

He sneaked a look at Mike, so peaceful in his sleep, and his heart pinched. He wouldn't wake him up... not for this. He'd take a shower, wait for Mike to wake up on his own. Give himself some time to compose himself before he told Mike, so he didn't worry him as much.

So he did, dressed in  a comfortable stay-at-home outfit of sweats and one of Mike's sweatshirts, and just sat on the living room couch.

And waited.

It was exactly 4 and a half hours later that Mike came into the living room, already dressed in jeans and a light red shirt.

"Mornin'," He said, smiling, "How long have you been up?"

"Umm, can I talk to you?" Will said, ignoring his last comment. He didn't want small talk right now, he just wanted to get this over with.
"Of course," Mike said. His smile was gone in a split second, his face shifting into a serious mask.

He came to sit on the couch by Will, looking at him intently.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, and Will almost cried again.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could their phone rang. Mike sighed, putting a finger up in a "one moment" gesture, and picked up the receiver from the table by the door.

"Hi, Mike Wheeler speaking," he said. He listened for a few seconds, before his mouth opened slightly in surprise.
"Umm.. yeah, he's here. Just a second." He lowered the receiver and put his hand on it to mute his words.

"It's for you, one of your professors," He said. Will was distracted. Why would his professors be calling?

He took the receiver, putting it to his ear. 

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