- ¢нαρтєя 12 -

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WILL STARED DOWN at the floor, his whole body burning with stress.

Mike had just found out his two biggest secrets. 

Was it not bad enough that Mike destroyed all his alcohol, found everything out, Will had to go and tell him he was gay. Now they were sitting in silence, and Will couldn't bare to look up at the handsome curly-haired boy. Would he reject him now? would he tell him he was a freak, would he think all his troubles are too much to handle, would he leave?

The silence, the unknowing was killing him. He was seriously debating to tell him everything was a joke, that this was all some elaborate prank... Why didn't he say something already?!

"I am too," Mike said quietly. 

That wasn't what Will had expected, not at ALL.
He slowly looked up at Mike, at the piercing brown eyes staring at him with fear, stress.
"You are?" Will asked. He was so surprised, he couldn't even think what it might mean, if this meant his most sacred dream since he didn't even know when could come true...

"I think so. Well, maybe not-" Mike swallowed hard, and Will could see he was having trouble saying it, "g-gay, but at least bi- that's what it called right? (Will nodded carefully.) I don't know what I am. I know I loved El."
For a moment Will's heart sank so low he could hardly breathe. He was stupid for even hoping, he was- and then he realized Mike wasn't done yet, just looking for words.
"But, I also know that I like you, Will. You know what, even more then just like. So I guess what I'm trying to say is- I don't know what I am. I just know I liked El, and now I like you. If that makes me Bisexual, I guess what I am." 

Mike finished talking and looked at Will, and his eyes Will saw that spark, that look that just dared him to protest. 

And suddenly Will was happy. So happy, he almost couldn't breathe again. All that time, all that hope, everything was coming true. Mike didn't hate him, he didn't think Will was crazy, he liked him. Will hadn't been so happy in what seemed like forever, maybe even ever. He was so caught up in the amazing feeling he realized he had forgotten to reply.

Mike was still sitting there, his beautiful face puckered into a look of concern, splotches of pink on his cheeks. 
"I like you, too Mike. So, so, so much." Will said, and he barley even recognized the cheerful voice that left his mouth.

Mike's whole expression changed in less then a second. His lips twisted up in a beautiful smile, his eyes glowing with excitement. With a tingle of anticipation Will saw Mike slowly moving on the bed closer to him. The whole world seemed to stop as Mike's arm touched Will's, warm against Will's cold. Then their legs, and suddenly Mike's handsome face was so close Will could trace it if he wanted to, which he did, but before he could Mike's lips pressed against his, urgent but at the same time, so soft.

Will felt his whole body melt. Nothing mattered except  Mike, nothing existed except the kiss. Will felt Mike's palms landing on his still warm cheeks, felt his breathing accelerate. It was so much better then he ever could've imagined. Because he might've done... things in the motel, but never kiss. 

Even before the motel, even before he realized he was gay, he never had an opportunity to kiss. He never wanted to, either.

Now, he wanted to never stop. He wanted Mike's lips to never lift up from his. Every synchronized movement of their lips, every breath they shared, was so perfect.

When Mike pulled away, gasping for breath and his face red, it was like the kiss had gone on forever and at the same time, like it never happened.

He locked eyes with Mike, and they didn't even talk. They didn't need to. Mike lay his head on the bed and Will joined him, putting his head on Mike's arm shyly. Mike wasn't shy, pulling him closer and hugging him tightly.
"Happy birthday, Byers." He felt Mike's soft breath against his ear, making his whole body tingle. He just smiled, even though he knew Mike couldn't see, and got even more comfortable in Mike's arms, so easy to just be comfortable in the warm embrace. Like he was always meant to end up there. It was so easy to close his eyes, almost sleeping. In the mess that happened he forgot how tired he was, but now it was almost impossible to stay awake.

"Whatever comes now, I'll help you." Will heard Mike's voice, shaking him back to life, and when he looked up his eyes were full of passion and determination. Will could barley even remember all the things wrong with his life, not when he was so snug and wonderfully sleepy in Mike's arms. Surely he didn't need the alcohol anymore, not when he had Mike, he thought as he drifted off to an easy sleep, the best one he had in a long time.

Ah, if only it was that simple. But alas, they didn't know that just yet.

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