- ¢нαρтєя ѕєνєитєєи -

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EVERYTHING WAS ALMOST ready. Mike had made sure everything would be ready now , so that he could finally do it after Will's party.

He had been itching to do it before- he would've popped the question a week after the idea came to him- but Eddie and Bev (and Bill, who had surprisingly jumped on the whole thing with a lot of enthusiasm) had convinced him to wait. Plan it out, make it perfect.

Ask after the showcase, so he wouldn't put too much pressure on his boyfriend. He couldn't deny that was a good idea. He already knew how much Will was stressed about having his work showcased, it was evident in his behavior. 

He had seemed generally stressed for the past few months, and Mike didn't want to add such a life changing decision on top of his worries.

But it was getting harder and harder to wait.

He just wanted Will, he just wanted to have Will forever. He knew nothing would make him as happy as putting a ring on Will's finger. He had chosen a gorgeous one, but that didn't really matter. He would propose with a 2 dollar ring if that was all he had-  it was the mere idea of having Will wearing something that would announce to the whole world "I'm Mike's." To know officially that they were forever.

And to think, two years ago he didn't even know he liked boys...

Will had changed him so completely, and in the best way possible. Mike loved who he was when he was with Will, and he was counting down the days until he could finally ask him to stick around forever. His heart burst just thinking about it.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

And finally, 2 days before he would actually ask, everything was ready. 
"T-told you w-we'd m-make it i-in time, W-w-wheeler!" Bill smiled at him, getting up from the couch to stretch. 

"I can't believe you're actually going to do it. wow." Bev added.

Mike just smiled. He really could, and he just couldn't wait. He just really wished that for once, things would work out perfectly. Just this once, could they?

"O-okay, Let's o-order s-some Chinese," Bill said, walking to the phone already.
"No! Pizza!" Eddie argued, but Mike glanced at his watch- it was already past 9 pm.

"I'm going to head home. I haven't really seen Will today at all." 
"You should call him, tell him to meet us here. We can have dinner all together!" Bev said enthusiastically- but Mike shook his head.

"umm... I kinda' want to spend some time alone with him. Sorry." 
"alone time. I wonder what that feels like," Eddie whined as he nestled into Richie. Richie fixed his glasses, looking smug.

"Asshole! We live here too! and  at least your boyfriend isn't on the other side of the freaking country," Bev returned.

"Jealous, Bevy? Just because I got the cutest one," Richie said-still smug, and kissed Eddie softly. Bill sighed deeply while Beverly blew raspberry to their direction.

"A-at least y-you g-guys have s-s-someone at a-all." How Bill was single- Mike couldn't understand. Yeah, he stuttered: but he was sort of incredibly hot. Not Mike's type, but undeniably hot. In Hawkins, girls would be over this guy like freaking coyotes. Maybe he was just picky?

"Aw, you want us to set you up with a nice girl sweetie? How about my niece, Edna? Nice girl, huge tits," Richie said in his horrible old-lady voice. Bill sighed again, not even responding.
"Rich, just stop it with that voice already!" Eddie exclaimed, getting up.

"-And that may be my cue to leave. See you guys later," Mike said, getting up. He smiled as he left the voices of his friends arguing behind him. He loved that he lived alone with Will- he needed that quality time.

Also, he really did like the losers: but he'd die if he had to listen to them fight and bicker twenty four hours a day. He much preferred his shoe-box apartment.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

Finally, it His favorite time of the day- a few hours alone with Will. Getting to hold him, to kiss him- or even literally just talk to him.

Because that's another thing about Will; he wasn't only the love of his fucking life, he was also his best friend in the whole wide world. He seemed to turn warm just thinking about the light-haired boy waiting for him at home.

Did he feel lucky? No, not really. This wasn't luck, because he fucking earned it. They fucking earned it. 

He took a small detour before heading to the apartment, stopping at one of their favorite diners to buy some pancakes.  Pancakes had sort of become their thing... And Mike knew Will was always up for a late night pancake dinner. He loved treating Will when he could, and besides, this could be their last  night as just boyfriends. It had to be special. 

And so he walked down the dark street, carrying the diner bag tightly in his hand, perfectly happy.

If he only knew what he was actually heading towards... 


Sorry for this transition chapter, things are really getting crazy next chapter so buckle uppp

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