-¢нαρтєя 11 -

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"MIKE SLOW DOWN! stop!" Mike heard Will's voice over the loud wind in his ear, but didn't listen.  He was paddling with full speed, trying to let some of his anger and confusion out. Will had had a water bottle full of vodka at school. WHAT. THE. FUCK?

Mike sled to a stop in front of Will's house, dropping the bike on the ground and heading towards the house. he heard Will's footsteps behind him, running to keep up with his fast pace. Mike stumped up the stairs, and opened the (unlocked) front door.

"Mike, let's talk for a minute-" He heard Will's voice from behind him, but he ignored it and ran towards Will's room. He opened the door and stepped inside, running to Will's dresser and starting to throw the clothes out on the floor. He had to find the source, Will must have alcohol hidden in his room.

"Mike, you're being ridiculous. I'm hung over, it was a one time thing!" Will's voice sounded again, but it was too panicked, and the alcohol had been too perfectly hidden. No way was this a one time thing, and Mike knew it.
He moved from the dresser to Will's table, then to the bed. He flipped the sheets, emptied the drawers, checked in the closet... Nothing.
Then, just as he was about to leave the room and check the kitchen, his foot landed on a wobbly plank.

It took but one look at Will's completely white face to know he had found the hiding spot.

"Don't!" Will called, but Mike leaned down and removed the plank gently.

"Holy shit." Mike managed, his whole body frozen with shock.

Dozens of bottles lay in the spot, vodka and whiskey and other kinds Mike didn't even know. Mike didn't know what to do, and for a moment he just stared at them with complete shock. Where had Will acquired them?
Then, finally, his body unfroze. He grabbed all the bottles, stacking them in his arms carefully, then ran out the room into the bathroom.
"Mike!" Will called, running after him. But Mike was already busy emptying every single bottle into the sink, one after one after one.
Will tried to grab on his hand, trying to pull them backwards.
"Stop! stop!" Will called, desperation in his voice. Mike's heart broke a little. He didn't stop, not until every single bottle was completely drained of alcohol.

"What have you done?!" Will yelled after Mike, who was making his way back into Will's room.
"These were new! You know what I had to do to get these???" Will called, his large Hazel eyes full of complete and utter TERROR. his whole body radiated with such despair Mike had to ask;

"No. What did you have to do?" Mike's voice didn't match how he felt. It was weirdly quiet, almost a whisper. He felt like he should be yelling, getting Will to explain what was wrong. Will went quiet, his face turning red.
"Will, what did you do?" Mike was scared. He was terrified. How long had this been going on? what had Will done to get the alcohol? definitely not a fake ID, he looked too young for that to work, and Mike didn't think he knew any 21 year olds who would buy it for him. Every other way Will could have gotten them was too terrible to think about. 

"How long?" Mike asked, scared of the answer. The unspoken end of the sentence hung in the heavy air between them.
"I- about 2 years." Will looked down, his face turning even redder.

2 years.

Mike felt himself drop on the bed. 2 years. For two whole years his best friend was drowning himself with booze, and he never noticed. He was too caught up in his own girl drama to see.
"Why?" he heard himself say, looking at Will as he sat down besides him.
"B- b- because," Will started, and Mike saw tears forming themselves in the corner of his beautiful eyes. He wanted to reach out and hug him, but his body wouldn't move.

"because it's the only thing that helps. I know it's been years but I keep having flashbacks, I keep thinking I'm back... there. The upside down. It's unbearable, it's like I'm all alone and no one can help me..." Will shuddered slightly.
Mike wanted to kick himself. After everything that happened with El two years ago, with her father dying and her losing her powers and everything, everyone had kind of... forgotten what Will had been through. They forgot how tough it might be on him, and none of them had been there for him. No wonder it was too much pressure for the boy to handle.

"And... with all of you having girlfriends and I- at school, with Troy pushing me around like... you know, and calling me a- a- a fag," Will continued, looking down.
"Will, it's-" Mike started, wanting to comfort the boy. But Will wasn't done.

His eyes on the floor, not looking at Mike, he opened his mouth.

"I am though. I am gay, Mike."



the next part will come as soon as I can :))

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