- ¢нαρтєя 14 -

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THE KNOCK SOUNDED again, more urgent this time. Will slid the bottle under his bed and jumped under the covers, bumping his head on the headboard in the process. That certainly didn't help the headache.

"Come in," He said, and his voice was barley audible. His throat was so dry it hurt.
The door opened slowly, but Mike wasn't the one standing behind it.
"Happy late birthday," The voice he knew so well said.

"JONATHAN!" Will called, jumping out from his bed and running into his older brother's arms. It had been so long since he had last seen him. He didn't even care how much everything hurt. Jonathan hugged Will tightly, and then pulled away and studied Will, his smile dropping. He put a hand to Will's forehead and pulled it back immediately.

"Holy shit, Will! you're burning up!" Jonathan said.
"I'm fi-" Will was overcome by coughs for a moment, "fine. Really. Just a cold. I can't believe you're here!"
"Yeah, not a cold. Get into bed stat, then we'll talk. I'll get you some water." while he was talking Jonathan walked Will to his bed, covering him with his blanket like he was a little kid. Then he rushed out and returned with a glass of ice-water. After making sure Will drank the whole thing, he sat on the side of Will's bed.

For ten minutes he told Will about how sorry he was he had missed his birthday, how amazing NYU was and gave him his gift: a brand new stereo.
"... And I have to leave in a few minutes, I have a big photography showing and I have to pick Nance up. I just had to stop by, see you, mom, El...Hey, where are they anyway?"
"Work, Max's." Will said. There was something weighing him down, and he had to tell Jonathan. After all, it could be months until the next time he saw Jonathan as he was so busy with college and his fiance, Nancy. Now that he was dating Mike, he should be able to tell the person closest to him in the world he was gay, right?

"It's Sunday, why is mom working? maybe I should hold off on college for a few years, help out..." Jonathan said, and that troubled expression returned to his face.
"Don't be stupid. We're doing great. But there is something I wanted to talk to you about..." Will said, sitting up with a groan. This was it.
"What's up, buddy?" Jonathan responded.

"Well... what if I told you I'm dating someone?" Will asked, looking straight into Jonathan's eyes. Jonathan had to understand. He wouldn't judge him, right?
"I'd say they're very lucky to be dating you," Jonathan responded, and Will rolled his eyes.
"What if... I told you I was dating a boy?" That's it. the words were out. No way back.
"I would say I want to meet him." Jonathan said, his voice still light. Will was stressed. What did he mean?

"I'm serious. I'm gay, Jonathan."
" I know." Jonathan said, his voice finally serious, and gave Will another tight hug.

And that was it.

Will felt so relieved he almost sighed out loud. If Jonathan was fine with it, his mom was bound to be.

"Listen, I think I'm going to cancel my showing and stay with you. You seem really sick, buddy. I don't want to leave you alone." Jonathan still sounded worried, and Will understood why. If he looked even half as bad as he felt....

But a knock sounded on the door in that exact same time.
"I won't be alone," Will said, his voice turning embarrassingly soft. Jonathan's face cleared with understanding.
"I'll let him in. I promise to be back in a month, tops. It was so, so good to see you Will. I love you, little brother. " Jonathan gave Will another tight hug. Will lingered in it, knowing there was no way Jonathan would be back in a month. It was so hard to live without his brother after so many years of him being almost Will's father figure. But obviously, Jonathan didn't fee the same. Will's mind filled with sudden anger, sadness. A year without him, and Jonathan came for five minutes to say hi, barley even showing any response to Will's huge revelation. He was quite clearly not that interested in Will anymore. Will was so caught up in the terrible thoughts, he jumped in surprise when a pair of arms wrapped around him tightly. Different arms.

                                                                                                   ✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

"How are you feeling?" Mike's soft voice mumbled in Will's ear, followed by soft kisses on his ear and neck. Will suddenly felt very hot again, and not because of the fever.
"I'm fine, just a cold," Will said as he settled into Mike's embrace.
"You don't look very well. Do you want us to go to the doctor's? Do you want me to get you some soup, ice cream, anything?" It was hard for Will to concentrate with the kisses that were on his throat now. 

How did he deserve Mike? how could Mike be so endlessly patient, so caring even as Will was such a fucked up mess?

"I'm good, thank you." Will felt Mike's hands turning his face towards him, and suddenly he was facing Mike's handsome features. Mike touched his forehead to Will's own, his brown eyes glittering with worry.
"Hi," Will breathed. Mike smiled his perfect smile, and his lips were on Will's in a swift second.  They touched for barley a moment before he pulled back. Will silently protested, grabbing Mike's face with both hands and pulling him back in for another kiss. Mike obliged, but this one was barley longer then the other one.

"Why don't you want to kiss me?" Will asked, his upper lip pouting slightly. Mike moved a bit further back, touching his cold finger to Will's lip (or maybe he wasn't cold, maybe Will was just hot).
"I always want to kiss you, Byers." Mike said, and Will felt his mouth turn up slightly. He couldn't help it. He had waited so long for Mike to say these words, how could he not smile?

"But you are burning up, and you taste a little bit like puke. Tell you what: I'll run to the store, get us some ice cream, and then drag the television in here and we'll nap in front of the television until you feel better. I'll tell my mom I'm sleeping over, I promise I'll stay until you feel better. How does that sound?" Mike gave Will another kiss on the forehead.
Will nodded, smiling. But he wasn't happy anymore. Mike got up, and suddenly he was at the door.
"I'll be back in 10 minutes at most. Stay strong, Byers." Mike winked at him and then, Will was alone again.

Will felt so guilty he couldn't breathe. How could he trap Mike with him for so long? Why did he have to ruin Mike's weekend, always have Mike taking care of him?

Will thought of the bottle under his bed. He wouldn't make Mike waste his week on him. He wouldn't make anyone spend any more time on him.


Sorry this part is so long! But I had to get some more Byler scenes!

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