- ¢нαρтєя fινє -

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way was kind of a blur: It seemed like one moment they were in the middle of the busy streets, and the next Mike was pulling him up the stairs leading to the Losers' apartment.

Even Mike's knocks on the dark-wooden door seemed somehow mutes, not completely in focus.

Shake it off, Will, he repeated to himself, it's fine. You're fine.
By the time the door opened, everything was almost back in focus.

Behind the door stood Bev. Her short orange hair was perky and and she was wearing a black dress with small flowers. She smiled cheerfully at them, opening the door further.

"Good morning guys," she said, and together they made their way to the living room.

The rest of the guys weren't nearly in as good a shape as Bev. Bill was lying on the carpet, his head buried in two pillows. He was still wearing blue pajamas.

Richie and Eddie were sprawled on the big sofa, Eddie's head in Richie's lap. Eddie was asleep, while his boyfriend looked like he had been hit by a bus. His glasses were crocked, and although he was wearing an actual shirt (unlike Stan and Eddie) it was crumpled and buttoned wrong.

Will was always shocked at how much Mike and Richie looked alike. They said they had never met each other before this year, but they could've been twins. The only differences between them were Richie's huge glasses and straight hair.

And of course, unlike Mike Richie was mostly a complete asshole. Lovable asshole, sure, but an asshole nevertheless.

"WILL AND MIKE ARE HERE," Beverly said loudly, smiling devilishly. Bill groaned, and Eddie buried his head deeper in Richie's lap.

"What's wrong with them?" Mike chuckled as he stepped over Bill's limp body to sit in the empty armchair. Will followed, and began to sit on the floor besides him- but Mike pulled him back, and he stumbled onto Mike's lap. Mike fastened his arms around Will's waist, kissing the back of his neck.

"Went out drinking last night," Bev explained, pushing Eddie's legs aside to sit on the sofa beside the couple, "I was the designated driver."

"Next time you're coming with us, Byers." Richie said smiling his idiotic grin at him, "It's not a true friendship until I see you really wasted." He winked at Will. Turns out being hungover didn't make him any less of an asshole.

Will stiffened. He couldn't really control it. Mike whispered comfortingly in his ear. Will knew Mike wanted to tell the friends, exactly so they'd stop doing things like that, but Will could never.

"H-he d-doesn't h-have t-to, R-rich. Leave h-him alone," Bill mumbled from the carpet, surprising Will.

"Let it go, Rich," Eddie muttered.

"Come on! I can't even imagine Will drunk. I just think it'll be funny!" Richie exclaimed.

Yeah, but I can, Will thought to himself, I can imagine it very very clearly, and that's exactly the problem.

"Beep beep, Richie-" Beverley rolled her eyes, but was interrupted mid sentence.

"Just drop it already!" Mike's voice called from behind Will, angry. Richie raised his arms defensively in the air.

"Fine, fine! It's an open invitation though, Byers. Just come over whenever you want!" he said. Will didn't respond. If Richie only knew how much he wanted to...

But he couldn't. Not ever.

"I think I'm going to make everyone some coffee- you guys seem like you could use it." He finally said, getting up from Mike's lap.

He needed to get out of there.

The moment he got up Mike sent him a look, a look that silently asked if he was okay. Will responded with an almost imperceptible nod.

"Yes!!" Eddie groaned loudly. Will couldn't help laughing with the rest of them, but he was still bothered.

"I'll just be five minutes," He said and headed to the kitchen.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

When Will disappeared from view, Mike turned to face his friends.
"Can I get some advice?" he asked, hoping they wouldn't laugh at him.

"sure. What's up?" Beverly asked, looking in his eyes. Even Bill and Eddie rose up to normal sitting positions so they could hear the conversation.

"Okay, well... The thing is..." Mike looked around to make sure Will wasn't there, and leaned in closer, lowering his voice, "I think I'm gonna ask Will to marry me."

"Wait, for real?" Richie asked, his mouth hanging slightly open. Mike nodded.

"This is amazing." Eddie said slowly, a smile forming on his lips.
"Congrats, man!" Beverley said, clasping her hands together and nodding enthusiastically.

"W-w-woah," Bill muttered.

"Don't take this the wrong way- I'm Byler all the way- but, you guys are only 18... don't you think-?" Richie started. Eddie slapped his leg, but Mike understood.

He knew it seemed like it was rushed and impulsive. Who proposes at eighteen, after dating for short of two years?

But it didn't seem like 2 years. Hell, it didn't even seem like they were only 18. After everything him and Will went through together,it seemed like they had been dating a life time.

Mike knew beyond a doubt- Will was the man he was going to marry, and he was pretty sure (or at least hopeful) that Will felt the same way.

He didn't see a need to wait any longer.

He didn't explain that to his friends , just smiled and waited.

"Well, what do you need advice about, then?" Eddie asked.

"I want this to be really special, and I suck at grand romantic gestures. Could you guys-?" He asked, trailing off hopefully.

"Of course! I already have an idea," Eddie finished, and Beverly nodded.
"Me too, although probably not as good as Eddie's," She smiled at the dark-haired boy, "This is going to be great!"

"Why do you never make any big romantic gestures?" Eddie asked Richie, crossing his arms on his chest.

"I did for your mom, before- you know, I fucked her," Richie fired back, and Eddie exhaled loudly.

"Shut up," he muttered, his voice tense with an emotion that wasn't irritation...

"You shut up, Eds" Richie returned in that same fierceness.
"Don't call me Eds," Eddie groaned and pulled him in to a long and passionate kiss: Very awkward for the rest of the teens in the room.

"I-" Bill started, staring at them i disbelief, "r-really don't g-get y-you g-guys."





honestly I feel like that's the kind of couple (teen) Reddie would be

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