- ¢нαρтєя тωєиту fσυя -

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10 MINUTES LATER Mike was standing in front of a tall, luxurious building. 

The red car that had drove him here, the car carrying all his friends, stood next to him in the middle of the road. Everything was completely silent, the night sky still- the only sounds was the faint music coming from the building, so soft it was almost not there at all. 

"You're sure that's it?" Mike asked, his voice trembling.He stared at the building, not looking at his friends.

Stan's voice, somewhere in the car, answered with a sure- "Positive."

Suddenly a hand was on Mike's shoulder, and he turned to face Eddie, peering through the passenger side window.
"It's all gonna be okay." He said, though his face said otherwise, "Do you want me to come with?"

The thought of someone beside him, someone to help him, was tempting. But he knew deep inside him having Eddie there wouldn't help at all. Will would be ashamed anyway, and having another person there (even if he was Will's friend) would only make him close up. Mike had to help him, and he had to do it alone.

"No. It's okay. You guys can go." He said, turning back to the building. Eddie's hand squeezed his shoulder slightly before it lifted, and for a second it was silent again. 

Why aren't I going in? He thought faintly, but still stayed frozen. Maybe the thought of what was waiting for him inside scared him... Go inside, coward. Help Will!

"You sure you don't want us to wait outside? I could come too, if you want..." It was Bev this time, her voice muffled as she was in the backseat. 

"You guys can go. It'll be fine." He repeated, and before he could psych himself out any further started walking towards the building.

As the doorman opened the door for him, the sound of the wheels on the road echoed in his ear. He didn't even need to turn back to know that he was alone.

That this was it.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

As he stepped through the glass doors into the fancy lobby, he started realizing he had no idea where to go in this huge building. There had to be at least 20 floors, and checking each would waste time.
"Excuse me," He turned back to the doorman.

"How can I help you?" The man said, his expression carefully polite.
"I'm for- um, Mr. Mack's party?" Mike said, trying to sound as confidant as he could. At his words, however, the doorman's polite expression dropped to a disdained frown. He looked Mike over, wrinkled sweatshirt and faded jeans and everything. with his eyebrow raised and shook his head. 

"Sorry sir, that party is invite only- and frankly, I don't think you're one of the guests." 

Mike wanted to scream. He had no time for this.
"I- I am!" He exclaimed, trying to ignore the urge to lunge at the man and make him reveal the floor number in other ways. Why couldn't anything be easy??

"Yeah?" The man snorted, seeming almost entertained. "Look, I get many kids like you. Mack told me not to let anyone in, so I guess if you want you can stay in the lobby but I'm not letting you in." And with that he turned, leaving through the glass door and returning to his post outside.

"fucking bitch," Mike muttered, unable to contain himself. He turned to the lobby, ready to press every single button on the elevator if that's what it took to find Will- but to his surprise, standing by the wall and holding the telephone receiver, dressed in a smart suit and tapping on the floor impatiently with expensive looking shoes, was Mr. Mack.

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