- ¢нαρтєя 17 -

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FOR A MOMENT everything stopped. 

The laughter ceased, and so had the weird thud. Mike felt frozen in place, and apparently so did El and Max. In that moment, he Mike knew without a shadow of a doubt something terrible happened to Will.

So he ran, sprinting down the hall as fast as he physically could. He pushed Will's door open and stepped inside, and felt his heart stop.

As he had suspected, the thud was a result of Will's body slamming against the wood floor.

Now he was lying on the floor, sprawled out in a weird, unnatural position. His eyes were rolling back, his skin not pale but blue.
From behind him, he heard Max scream loudly.
"Will? Will? Can you hear me?" Mike heard himself say as he got down on his knees and shook Will's shoulders. No response. Will's body was freezing, but how? just minutes before he was burning with fever! He put his ear to Will's mouth, but his breathing was also shallow, way too slow. 

"Is he having another one of his episodes? like the one he used to have? is the shadow monster here?" Max's panicked voice said, but Mike knew that wasn't it. With a stomach tight like someone punched him in the gut, Mike's eyes followed the direction Will's hand pointed. He leaned down and looked under the bed, where he saw exactly what he knew he would.

But the pre- knowledge didn't make it any easier.

"He's OD'ing," Mike called, rushing back to Will's side as he put the empty bottle in his coat pocket.
"Will, please, if you can hear me say something, I need to know if you-" he said, staring at Will's unresponsive body. the only thing moving were his still fluttering eyes.
"What is O- OD'ing?" El asked, panic in her voice too.
"He had to much alcohol, he needs to go to the hospital NOW." Mike explained quickly. There was not time to waste.

"Max, call Dustin and Lucas and tell them to meet us at the hospital. Don't call Mrs. Byers!" Mike called over shoulder as he picked Will's body into his arms. He didn't feel anything. He had no time to. He needed to get Will help ASAP.

Without waiting for Max's response or stopping to see the looks on the girls' faces, Mike burst through them and ran out the door, out the living room, out of the house. He fumbled in his pocket for the key of his dad's car. Finally, he managed to get the door open. He put Will down in the passenger side, tying him with the seat belt carefully. Everything seemed surreal.  He closed the door quickly, hopping into the driver's side. He grabbed Will's head with one hand, keeping it from falling into his chest and the wheel with the other hand, and pressed on the gas as hard as he could.

                                                                                          ✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

Mike couldn't remember the ride to the hospital. The next thing he knew he was alone in a small, blank white waiting room, sitting on a plastic chair.

His mind couldn't process what had happened. He couldn't let it, not if he wanted to function.

"Mr. Wheeler?" he heard a voice, and turned to see a tall doctor with a white coat and thin glasses.
"Yeah, I think he has alcohol poisoning or something, I brought the bottle I found I didn't know if it would help..." Mike called quickly as he jumped up, not waiting for the doctor to ask. He pulled out the bottle and handed it to the doctor, who turned it over in his hand with a somber expression.
"You're right, Mr. Byers is suffering from alcohol poisoning. He's currently getting his stomach pumped. It was a smart call bringing him in, and also bringing the type of alcohol ingested. Your'e a very intelligent young man. I'll be sure to tell you when there are any news." The doctor put a hand on Mike's shoulder and turned to leave.

"Doctor?" Mike asked, his voice almost caught in his throat. The doctor turned around. "Is he going to be okay?"

"I'll be sure to tell you when there are any news," the doctor repeated as he left.

Mike dropped back into his seat, his heart beating in his ear.

He had been too busy to actually think about it. He thought he'd bring Will in, they'd make him throw up or something and then they would be on their way home. But the doctor's somber face and the weird answers were making him sick, and a terrible horrible thought was slowly planting itself into his brain.

Was there a chance Will wouldn't make it?


THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS #1 ON BYLER! I seriously have no words. 

I know this is cliffhangery again, but I'm having a crazy week since I literally only came back from a school trip and am now leaving to go on another trip. I'll try to get another chapter out tomorrow but I'm not sure I'll have reception where I'm going, so the next part might be coming Sunday... I'll try my best! Anyway, I made myself sad writing this lmao. 

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