- ¢нαρтєя 22 -

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MIKE HELPED WILL out of the car and closed the door behind him. Will was finally allowed to go back home, but still wasn't 100 % better. According to the doctors, he might never be fully better. But he was alive, and if he managed to survive everything he had, Mike couldn't believe he wouldn't overcome the complications.

Will sank back into Mike and together they stepped towards the house, Mike helping Will support himself. The short walk was made almost long by the slow pace, and Will was turning pale with effort. Mike wished Will would just let him carry him, but he had very sternly told him not to. He barley let Mike help him walk. It pained Mike to see Will like this, so fragile.

Finally, they made it into Will's room and Mike helped him into the bed, covering him with the blanket. Joyce wasn't home, she didn't even know about Will: according to what El had found out she was at a business trip at a place with no phones. Mike couldn't imagine how guilty she'd feel when she found out Will had almost died and she wasn't there for him. She was always the rock Will could relay on, but she wasn't in a good place herself as Mike knew, and had been absent much lately. Maybe this would be a wake up call for her, make her see she had to be home more.

"No, Mike, It's okay, Let's sit on the couch. I'm tired of lying down," Will protested, trying to rise, but Mike pushed him down. He knew he was babying Will too much, but there was no way he was letting him over exert himself for nothing.

"But here we can do this," Mike said, climbing into bed besides him and hugging him so close, the way he wanted to but couldn't while Will was in the hospital.
"True," Will mumbled into Mike's chest, putting his head on him contently. Mike felt a shiver of excitement burst through him. He had thought he'd never be able to do this again. Which reminded him, he had a few questions to ask Will. He really didn't want to ask them , but he had to.

"Will, did you do it on purpose?" Mike asked, his voice low, scared of the answer he might get.

"No, No! at least, not completely..." Will answered sheepishly. Mike didn't speak, didn't breathe, waited for Will to continue.

"I- I-" Mike sensed Will trying to gather his thoughts, "In the beginning it was just because I had to. But then... I thought maybe it would make everything easier for everyone? because maybe if I was gone you'd have a normal junior year and my mom wouldn't have to spend all her savings on getting me treatment... it's not like I wanted to d- to die, But when I saw I was going too far I thought maybe it was for the best? I don't know, it's hard to explain. Please don't be mad!" Will dug himself deeper into Mike's chest until Mike saw nothing but his light brown hair.

Mike didn't know what to say. How could Will think he'd be better off without him, when in truth if Will was gone Mike would have nothing at all?

"William Byers, when I thought you were dead I died too. I mean it. I can't live without you, I won't live without you. So next time you have one of these stupid thoughts about how my life would be better without you, remember I won't have a life without you." Mike didn't care how corny it sounded. He needed Will to understand.
"You're so sappy," Will said, but Mike could hear the smile in his voice, could feel the way his body got warmer.
"And you love me for it," Mike said,lifting Will's chin up to stare at his eyes for a few moments, looking at his face before kissing him firmly on the lips.

Will kissed him back, and it was a heated kind of kiss. A kiss of passion, of love. So Mike didn't hesitate: Without their lips breaking contact, he moved so that Will's head was on the pillow. He started unbuttoning Will's shirt, his mouth moving to Will's neck. Will was doing the same to Mike, who shivered with pleasure when his cold hand brushed against his chest. It was the perfect time, they were in love, they were old enough, they were ready...

Mike gingerly removed the blanket and put his hand on Will's thigh, sliding it up... 

and then everything went wrong.

Within a second, Mike felt Will's whole body go completely stiff. His lips stopped moving, the hands on Mike's buttons stopped. It was like he had turned into stone. Mike hurried to move back, looking at the expression on Will's face with alarm. It was an expression of pure fright, his eyes 3 times larger than usual. He wasn't moving, his face pale.

"Will? Will? are you okay?" Mike asked, shaking Will's shoulder, but Will curled back from his hands. Mike didn't understand.
"Here, here! I won't touch you. Just tell me what's wrong so I can help!" Mike put his hands up, his voice colored with alarm. What was happening? Will always loved when Mike hugged him, why was he suddenly shying away from him?

"I'm sorry, I thought I could... but I can't. And I can't tell you why, " Will said, moving a little bit further away from Mike.
"Why?" Mike asked, still alarmed, but at least Will was talking.
"Because you'll leave," Will's voice was barley a whisper as he hugged his knees to his chest.
"I promise I won't, no matter what. But you're really scaring me, please tell me so I can help!

"you-you k-know the- the- "Will struggled to get words out, scaring Mike further, "the motel down by the road? that's how- I got my alcohol."

For half a second Mike didn't understand, but with a sudden burst of alarm everything fell into place. His eyes widened with complete and utter terror. He couldn't believe all this time his best friend was a- was a- and he hadn't known. He couldn't imagine how many times Will had to go through it, how many people.... If he was Will he wouldn't want to have sex either.

He heard Will sobbing, and quickly lifted his gaze from the bed and looked at the small boy shaking with tears.

"Can I?" Mike asked, wanting more than anything to run and hug Will tightly, but not wanting to disturb Will's personal space. Will nodded through his tears and Mike hurried to wrap him with his arms, so tight he wasn't even sure if the shaking he felt was him or Will. He felt Will bury himself in his chest again, and hugged him even tighter.

"I'm here, I'm here. I'll help you get through it." Mike crooned soothingly, running his arm down Will's back. Slowly, Will's hysterical crying slowed down.

"You don't hate me? think I'm disgusting?" Will asked, his large eyes staring at him with fright. 
"Of course not! I meant what I said: I love you. I'm here for you."

"I love you too," Will mouthed, and they hugged again, holding each other as if clinging for dear life.

"It's over now," Mike whispered into Will's ear. He didn't care how long it took, didn't care how hard it'll be, he'd help Will get better. He was turning a new chapter in their life, a chapter where, for once, Will will be happy. He didn't care what it took: Will had been through enough for then lifetimes.

Nothing was perfect. In fact, it was far from perfect.

But it was better. And it was going to get better with time.

And most importantly, they had each other. For the moment, that was all Mike could ask for.

                                                                                THE END


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