- ¢нαρтєя ѕιχтєєи -

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JUST AS HE hoped, the vodka kept the upside down from disrupting his day again. He drank just enough to keep himself from going back there, to keep him sane until he could finally go home.

Alone- Mike had a "school project" to work on.

As he walked on the way to the apartment, he couldn't help wondering where his paradise had gone. How did everything turn so miserable so fast?

Just months ago he was walking these streets, happier than he had ever been in his life. He had loved this town, he had loved this park right here where they would stop sometime, just sitting on the bench and enjoying the sun together. Cuddling.  He had loved the trees, the little patches of flowers he would sometimes pick to decorate their house.

He had loved being outside, his hand secured tightly in Mike's. Walking slowly, because those were the best times of the day. Walking slowly, because they had no place to be. Knowing he could reach up any time and kiss the unbelievably handsome face of the boy he loved, the boy who due to some amazing, bizarre reason loved him back.

But now, his hand was cold and empty inside his pocket. He didn't have that second set of footsteps beside him, that arm around his shoulder.
Now, he couldn't wait to get out of the streets: being outside just made him feel more vulnerable. More places for the monster to hide, stupid as it sounded.

He may have been still walking slowly, but time it wasn't to bask in the walk- it was to avoid falling over the sidewalk that couldn't seem to stay in place.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

He shuffled inside the apartment, dark and empty. He thought being home would make him feel safer than outside- but suddenly the fact that place was so tiny didn't mean he would never be more than 2 minutes away from Mike, but that he could never get more than 2 minutes away from the monster, if it came.

He dropped on the couch, not really noticing where he was sitting. 

Finally, he had no disruptions, and he could think. He didn't want to, but he had to reminisce the event of the day. He had to figure it out- no matter how much it pained him to think about it, because if the shadow monster was truly back he had to do something. He had to protect himself, he had to protect Mike.

But how could he protect anyone? What would he do in the face of danger? He didn't have El's powers, or-


If anyone else could sense the monster coming back, it was her. If it was back in Hawkins too, maybe they could find away to defeat it together. Eleven could help.

He stumbled to the telephone so fast he got tangled in it's strings- but finally he managed to pick up the receiver and dial the number of his home phone.

Ring, ring.

He couldn't help thinking that the last time he called this number it was from the upside down...

Ring, ring.

What if his mom answered? He wouldn't stand it, he would cry just at the sound of her voice...

Ring ring.

Maybe he should just hang up now, maybe this was a bad idea-


Not what he had expected at all- "Max?!"

"umm, yeah, who's this?" Max said again, her voice impatient. He could hear faint music coming from behind her.
"It's Will," he said softly. The girl on the other end squealed slightly.

𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now