- ¢нαρтєя тнιяту -

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 A FEW MOMENTS LATER WILL broke away, sniffling slightly.

He kissed Mike on the cheek, and then smiled slightly. "Enough. We deserve a fun day- no more tears, okay?"

Mike smiled too, no dding. He blinked away the last of his tears and managed a laugh."You got it, chief."
"So what should we do?" Will wondered.

"Mmm... Whatever you want," Mike responded, emphasizing the "you". He pulled Will back into his arms- it just seemed like such a waste to have Will there and not be hugging him.

Will stayed silent for a minute, thinking. He ran his hands up and down Mike's arm as he thought, and that split second of comfortable quiet suddenly made Mike so happy he could cry. Because it just felt... Normal. Like everything really could be fine now- like maybe, even after the crazy night they had gone through, even though Will's problem was far from solved- maybe everything could be normal, that amazing normal he had gotten used to in those last few months. Just Will and him, their togetherness even in quiet moments like this one being enough for Mike.

Like maybe when they came to Hawkins this weekend, Will could be wearing a ring on his finger...

"How about... Pancakes? I really want pancakes." Will decided. Mike laughed.

"Pancakes it is. Want me to make them-"

"Pass!" Will laughed, and the clear, happy sound of his laughter made Mike even happier. He really was fine- happy.
"Are you insulting my exceptional cooking skills?" Mike feigned shock, and Will pushed his chest playfully.

"How about I grab a quick shower and we can go to Tom's diner? Maybe invite the Losers'?" 
"Sounds perfect." Mike responded, kissing Will softly- at least, it started out soft because he just didn't end it.

"Mike," Will mumbled into his lips, "I really need to get up in order to do these things." 

Disappointed, Mike  let go of Will. The brunette kissed him slightly again before starting down the tiny hallway, and it wasn't two minutes before he heard the water running.

✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

And then they were on their way, walking down the streets. Will, now dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and (much to Mike's delight) Mike's comfy black sweatshirt, was walking closely to Mike- his hand in the pocket of the sweatshirt Mike was wearing which Mike found to be about the cutest thing in the world.

At first they talked- well, Will talked- explaining to Mike the last things he didn't know about the episodes and the last few months.

But then, They kept quiet, but that was just because there was nothing important left to say: They were simply together. This togetherness couldn't be ruined by mundane chatter, because even with the blissful feel of normality it was special. After last night, walking down the street with Will's hand in his sweatshirt pocket was just about the most special thing Mike could think of.

He had called the Losers' and scheduled at the diner, which they were now nearing- but just before they stepped onto the little road leading to the restaurant and Mike could already smell the rich aroma of a variety of foods cooking inside and his stomach started growling- Just then, Will stopped walking.

Immediately Mike stopped too, turning to the boy. Could this be another episode- but Will's eyes were perfectly normal, perfectly present- just terrified.

"What do I tell them?" Will asked in a hushed shaky tone. 
"You don't have to tell them anything. We're having a fun day, remember? You don't have to do anything you don't want to now."  Mike responded, catching Will's eyes and trying to convey certainty into them.

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