- ¢нαρтєя σиє -

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-Four months earlier-


College was something Will never thought he would ever get to experience.

His life always seemed too crazy, too weird for something as normal as college. But somehow, before he knew it, he was 18- standing in front of his mom and brother with all his classmates and friends, waving their graduation caps in the air and smiling hugely as the principle awarded them their high school diploma.

Somehow he was hugging him mom a tearful goodbye, his suitcases full and loaded in the trunk of the blue car.

Somehow he was driving away from Hawkins towards actual college.

Somehow everything was changing.

But he didn't mind- not one bit.

Because in the car besides him, driving too fast and singing too loud to the tacky music playing on the car stereo was his boyfriend, Mike Wheeler.

Mike. Who would've ever thought he would get to call him his boyfriend?
Who would've guess Mike Wheeler, his crush since forever, would be lifting him up into his arms and carrying him, giggling and flushed, through the threshold of their first shared apartment?

Will couldn't believe his luck. Everyday going to sleep hugged tight in Mike's arms, and waking up in the same place. walking to class together, kissing goodbye. Finding his boyfriend again after class, kissing him like they hadn't seen each other in weeks.

Dinner together, maybe hanging out with the new friends they made. And after all that shared amazingness together, still somehow getting to go back into the shoe box apartment and cuddle together again.

It was literally paradise.

No one was picking on him at school, he got to study art and actually enjoy his studies. He had friends, friends he had made very easily and already liked so much.

Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, Eddie Kaspbrack, Bill Denbrough. They had all come together from their small town of Derry, and felt as lost in the big city as Mike and Will did- so naturally they drifted together, forming a kind of friend group. They had also left a part of their friend group back home, Bev even managed a long distance relationship with a guy named Ben who was apparently studying architecture at one of the best schools in the world.

 While Mike was almost instantly best friends with all of them, Will was longer to get used to the new people. He had become pretty close with Eddie, and it's not like he didn't like the others, it was just hard for him to open up.

But he was going to get there, and he knew it.

In Hawkins, Mike and Will had been the only out gay couple in town. Max and El had preferred to stay in the shadows before they broke up, so about a million eyes were always turned to Mike and Will. Now, they weren't even the only gay couple in their friend group: Richie and Eddie had been dating for about two years. 

For the first time, they didn't feel completely out of place.

Will was sure his life had never been better: he barely woke up screaming from his upside down flashbacks anymore, and even when he did Mike was always there to help him through it.

He was finally happy.

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Which is why he felt so stupid standing in front of the church building a few minutes away from their house, Mike holding his hand tightly as they read the signs hanging on the building: Recovering Alcoholics Support Group- Saturday, 9-10.30 pm.

Yes, Will used to be an alcoholic. a bad one: he barley even remembered two years of his life. He had almost died- but since then, he hadn't touched a drink. Nothing. Not even a sip, not even rum cake or something.

Not even when he really wanted to.

That being said, he hadn't wanted to in so long... and he felt so stupid going in to a group like this one, it was humiliating to talk to people about it... especially since he couldn't tell them about the monsters and the upside- down, or they'd throw him in the loony bin.

Without the monsters, he just seemed like a pathetic kid who couldn't stand his crush not liking him back. He'd seem weak.

"Hey, look at me," He heard Mike's voice, and looked up at him. Mike was smiling at him, squeezing his hand tighter. He must of sensed Will's hesitance.

"It's going to help you. It's just an hour and a half once a week."

"But it's- ugh, it's so embarrassing, Mike! I've been good for over a year, can't we just-" Will tried leading Mike's hand away from the entrance, but Mike stayed locked in place.

"Not a chance. I won't risk you going back, and besides, we promised your mom you'd go. It's one of the reasons she let us go to college so far from home."

Will's stomach was tight in what felt like hundreds of knots. Mike pulled him closer, taking his cheeks with both his hands.
"You can do it, Will. And when you're done, I'll be waiting for you at home with a dinner and a movie. How does that sound?" Mike smiled his warm smile, his eyes glittering at Will with warmth. For a moment all of Will's doubts and worries faded away while he looked at the handsome face above him.

He nodded.

"Okay. and hey, I love you every day, I love you for how strong you are to be doing this." Mike said, and Will couldn't help a smile. He could never help a smile when he heard Mike telling him he loved him.

"I love you too," Will muttered, throwing his arms around Mike's neck and kissing him. Mike moved his hands to Will's waist, and they stayed locked in the kiss for a few glorious seconds.

"Go, before you're late!" Mike smiled, pushing Will away. Will sighed as Mike let go of his hand, and he started his way towards the entrance alone.

When he looked back and saw Mike smiling at him, he couldn't really be afraid.

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