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  (Y/N) starred at the creatures gently jumping around her dark room, her eyes heavy but wide.

Her black wall clock's hands gave the time. 3:07 AM.

She turned back to the creatures. They to looked like fairy's... but not the good kind. Their skin was pitch black, and they were the size of infants. Ripped, yellow, wings stuck out from their backs. They're eyes seemed to be hollowed out and replaced with small, purple, pebbles. The pebbles gently clinked together as the fairy like creatures pranced around her room, but no pebbles fell out of their eyes.

They carried small wooden torches, glowing with a bright purple fire. The light from the fire danced and flickered on the wall. The fairy's shadows pranced wildly in the fire reflecting on her wall.

  (Y/N) gently griped the sheets of her baby blue bed, listening to their small shouts get louder. What happened next, shocked the little girl. Tears begin to spark in her bright (e/c) eyes as the demon fairy's entered a frenzy.

  They ran around her room, ditching their torches to the left. The torches rolled across the floor in a possessed-like manner. One stumbled upon her corner of drawings, making (Y/N)'s heart drop. She got up from her bed and tried to run over to the drawings.

Damn torches, tripping an six year old.

She fell onto her stomach, her chin hitting her hard wood. She went limp, a growing pain shooting throughout her body. It burned her nerves and caused her eyes to produce salty tears. The tears streamed down her cheeks as she lifted her face. She didn't dare make a sound.

Her small heart dropped into her stomach.

  Her whole room was engulfed in purple flames. The fire dribbled up the walls. The fairy's were gone now,  and the torches collected in a small circle around (Y/N).

  (Y/N)'s pain increased.

She finally let out a screech of pain, feeling her skin burn at an inhuman heat.

She shut her eyes tightly, just wishing for the pain to be over.

Then, as if someone read her mind, she felt the pain fade. Warmth still lingered on her skin though, the fire still lapping around her.

She slowly opened one eye, only to see red, worn, converses standing in front of her. She used all her might to look up at the person.

It was a young boy, most likely eight. The purple flames gently flickered on his face, making his baby blue eyes shine gently. He leaned down and helped her up.

"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" The boy asked, his voice soft but raspy.

She stared up at the boy, her throat dry. Just as he was about to speak to her again, her door slammed open.

She jumped and looked back, only to see her father standing in the doorway. His eyes were wide and he gripped a kitchen knife. (Y/N) felt relief wash over her, more tears sparking in her eyes.

Her father dropped the knife and ran over, scooping her up and hugging her tightly. She began to sob, clinging to her father's night shirt.

The boy watched from afar, sitting on a tree in the back of (Y/N)'s backyard. He gently swung his legs and smiled brightly, his eyes twinkling with delight.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now