-Part 4- Just a Hospital Room

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  (Y/N): Twelve years old
Damien: Fifteen years old
Mark: Sixteen years old
????: Fifteen years old

You open your eyes, only to see a panel ceiling and some bright lights. A gentle beep sounds next to you. It's a heart monitor

You slowly sit up, but a throb in your head causes you to lie back down. You gasp softly in pain. Your head throbs violently as you try to look around. The beeps increase with your heart beat.

Suddenly, arms wrap around you. You glance down, only to see Damien starring back up at you.

He smiles softly, before the door opens. He disappears and you look over. A doctor walks in, gripping a clipboard. She had strawberry blonde hair, pulled up into a bun. Her dark brown eyes were scanning a paper on the clipboard. She looks up.

"Ah, you're awake (Y/N). How are you feeling?" She asks as she walks over. She stands at the side of your bed.

"My head... h-hurts a lot" You mutter.

She nods and presses a button on the side of your bed. The upper half of the hospital bed raises slowly, so you could actually sit up with support.

"You had a pretty nasty fall, honey" she says with a pitiful smile. The words were too similar to the man's.

"Your parents said you were starring at a house fire in your neighborhood. It's two hours after the fact." She says as she looks back to her clipboard.

"You have staples in the back of your head. You got a big gash" She looks back up.

"You're gonna stay here for a week, (Y/N)" Your heart drops and you sigh.

"We got you some pain medicine." She looks down to her clipboard to check something.

"Liquid or pills?" She asks. I've always hated pills, I don't know how people can swallow them" She adds with a small smile, hoping to make you feel better.

"Liquid" You mutter, sharing the same problem with the doctor. You hated taking pills.

"Ah, I see I'm not alone. Nurse Jonas will be in here with your medicine. Rest up, honey" She says with her smile.

You nod in response

She gives a small wave and walks out of the hospital room. You sigh softly, deciding to finally get a look around.

  The hospital room was bland.

  Of course it was.

  It was a hospital room.

  You let out a monotone sigh and look forward. You stare at an old tv on the wall. You glance around for a remote. Much to your dismay, there was no remote around you. And even more to your dismay, the clock on the wall read 4:03.

  You glanced towards the hospital window, only to see it was dark outside. You look back forward. That explains why mum and dad aren't here, visiting hours are probably over until eight or nine.

  You rest your head back, and just as you are about to close your eyes, the door opens. You groan internally and look over. A man walks into the room, wearing the baby blue nurse uniform. His curly black hair was gel-ed back and his brown eyes were twinkling despite the bags under his eyes.

  He walked over and held out a cup of water and a small cup of liquid medicine.

  "Hey, (Y/N). I'm Nurse Jonas" He said with a smile. He reminded you of Damien, which calmed you down a lot.

  You gently took the cup and medicine. You downed the sour liquid quickly then chugged the water from the glass.

  You pant softly, "N-Nice to meet you, sir" You mutter as you hand him the glass and medicine cup.

  "Nice to meet you too honey. Would you like me to lower the bed for you?" He asks.

You shake you're head. "C-Could I have the tv remote, though?" You ask.

He nods gently and leans down, grabbing a remote from the bottle of the end table. He stands up and hands you the remote.

You smile a bit, "thank you, sir" You mutter.

"No problem honey. I'll deliver your breakfast at 9. Have a good rest" he says with a kind smile.

He walks out, gently shutting the door behind him. You sigh softly and stare at the remote. You press the power button while pointing it towards the screen. The screen visibly brightens, then turns on to a random channel.


Being in the hospital was nicer than you thought.

Don't get me wrong, it was nothing as all hell, but at least you got to talk to Damien and Mark more.

You smiled softly, watching Mark bicker with Damien over a artists. Mark sided with Twenty One Pilots whilst Damien sided with Melanie Martinez.

"(Y/N)!" Mark suddenly shouted in his strong Russian accent. You perked up and looked into his eyes. You raise an eyebrow.

"Tøp or Melanie Martinez?" Damien asks, clearly cutting off Mark's question.

You ponder for a moment. "Markiplier" You say with a smirk.

Mark facepalms. "He's not an artist, (Y/N)" He hisses.

"Yeah huh! Have you heard his voice?" You swoon, making Mark groan.

"We all have, and we all agree his voice is naturally sexy. Now name a real artist" Damien says casually.

"Ok fine" You pout.

You raise a hand and gently rub your chin while you think. Mark rolls his eyes.

"Nirvana" you finally say.

"Ah, I forgot about them" Damien admits, seeming a bit surprised.

"I wanna listen to them now" He mutters. He fades quickly, only a spark of his baby blue eyes remaining for a moment.

You pout. "Don't leave me too, Mark"

Mark rolls his eyes again and adjusts his spot on the edge of your hospital bed.

He lies down, setting his hands behind his head. "I won't ever leave ya, Princess"

You stare at him. You throw the tv remote at him. It fazes through him. You stare for a moment.

"Right" You mutter. You reach forward and grab the remote.

His harsh gaze softens but he doesn't say anything.

"I believe you guys are real sometimes" You murmur as you lean back into the hospital bed.

He remains silent as you go on.

"Is that bad..? Most likely. But I don't care. You two are the best-est friends I could ever ask for, and that's the only real thing I need" You whisper, tears sparking in your (e/c) eyes.

Mark sits up and crawls over to you. He reaches up and wipes your eyes, you feel his warm hand but your don't feel the tear wipe away. You lean into his palm as it rests on your cheek.

"You'll meet someone real, soon enough (Y/N)" He whispers to you.

A sudden wave of warmth knocks into you, lying you back. You feel your body growing relaxed and your head starting to drift off.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now