-Part 3- Three Years, Again

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(Y/N): Twelve years old
  Damien: Fifteen years old
  Mark: Sixteen years old
  ????: Fifteen years old

You awoke to small, yet deep, chuckles that shuddered your spine. You gently opened your eyes and sat up. You turned on your lamp, knowing the routine. Not to your surprise, your alarm clock showed "3:07 AM". They always showed up at 3:07. Always in the morning. Always seven minutes after three.

You looked over, starring at Mark and Damien with blank eyes.

"Mornin' Princess" Mark coos as he drops himself on the edge of your bed. You shake a bit, due to the new weight.

"Heya (Y/N)" Damien says as he sits next to you. You yawn and lie your head on his shoulder.

Damien has become a brother to you, and Mark has been... just a douche bag. You always laughed at his insults, which made him slowly stop. Once in a while he throws some out.

You three started chatting at a hushed tone, sometimes giggling and other times growing silent for a moment. Just as you were getting comfortable on Damien's shoulder, a scream from outside shook you three to your cores.

You were the first to actually react. You leaped off your bed and soared to your window. You pulled your curtains apart and looked behind the house. All you saw was your backyard. You pulled your window open and leaned your head out.

You saw smoke drifting away from a house, probably four houses away from yours. Your eyes widened and, as if on que, your door slammed open. You turned to see your father and mother, Damien and Mark gone. Ever since you first had a See Dream, you've accepted that they weren't real. Damien and Mark weren't real. Every time a real person entered the room, they disappeared. You didn't think about it though.

"A-A house is on fire!!" You screech.

Your father wastes no time running out the house, your mother and you right on his tail.

As you two rush to the house, gasps are heard from the group already huddled in front of it. You skidded to a stop, starring at the house.

The flames flickered purple.

You heard the jingle of pebbles hitting each other.

You saw the fairy's, prancing around the house.

They sang loudly.

You feel your eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. You fall back, your head colliding with the concrete.

You feel yourself float, float in emptiness. You slowly open your eyes. You glance around, only to see black. Your heart drops into your stomach as your (e/c) eyes widen. You scramble around, trying to find solid ground.

A chuckle rings in the empty void, causing you to stop.

"You are just too cute!~" the voice coos. It was clearly male.

"How old are ya, hun?" He asks.

You frantically look around for the man, but only see black.

"Answer me, sweetie" He hisses, his happy tone falling.

"T-Twelve" You blurt out.

"Ah. My son was like you. I can tell you two are alike" his voice calls out, seeming to circle you.

You see the gentle shine of someone's eyes. Their eyes are a soft honey color, honestly hypnotizing. You feel your stomach flutter. These eyes looked to kind to match the man's tone.

"Then again, my son was more a bitch than you are" he hisses, floating towards you. You feel your fists clench. Who would talk about their own son like that?!

It was a tall man, soft honey eyes, and slicked back blonde hair. He had faint freckles on his cheeks. His eyes seemed hazey, as if he was drunk.. but he didn't sound like he was.

"So, sweetie, what's your name?" He asks, smirking widely.

You furrowed your eyebrows, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline. Something told you not to be so soft.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine" You say slowly, the fear draining from your face.

He chuckles, his smirk getting wider. "A limb for a limb eh? Ah, ok. You answer me first and I'll answer you" he starts

"I want your full name" he finishes

"(Y/N) Devins" you respond

"Now, you answer me. I want your full name" You hiss, making the man raise his eyebrows.

"Eh, something other than that" He gently waves you off.

You clench your fists, this man was sure a shit-nugget. "Fine" You ponder for a second. "Where are we?" You ask.

"Ah, a good question. We're in between life and death" He says, as if it was a normal place to be.

Your eyes widen, "W-What?" You stutter out.

"I am probably going to die, but you're in much better hands than I am in. I'm burning as we speak. You are in a hospital. You had a pretty nasty fall" He states.

Your eyes widen as memories of the fairy's flash back to your head. He must've been able to read your mind or something, that was the only reasonable explanation for what he said next.

"You're a freak too huh?" He asks, chuckling. He doesn't allow you to answer, "My son was a freak."


" 'Nuff about him. What's messed up in your head, honey?" He asks.

You pause for a moment, before speaking. "I have schizophrenia" You mutter, glancing away.

"Oh, damn" his look softens for a moment. "What'd you see?" He asks.

You turn, scoffing softly. "I've already told you enough" You hiss, shutting your eyes for a bit.

You hear him grunt in return. Suddenly, a bright light pokes at your eyes.

"Looks like you're getting out of here honey. Cya when you bite the dust, for a final time that is" He coos.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now