-Part 5- Snow White Daisys

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(Y/N): Fourteen years old
  Damien: Seventeen years old
  Mark: Eighteen years old
  ????: Seventeen years old

You sat in class, gently tapping your desk with your pencil. You stare at the worksheet in front of you. You furrow your eyebrows and grab a piece of paper.

You write some of the math equations on it, glancing back to your work. Sooner or later, you begin to doodle on the scratch paper, growing bored.

The doodle started out as as a night sky and turned into a doodle of the boy sitting in front of you. You gently drew jagged lines around the doodle, making him seem like he was shaking. You gently traced tears onto one of his cheeks.

This was something you loved to do. You'd take a random person and think about what problems they have. Insecurities, possible abuse, depression, anxiety, sleep paralysis, loss. Whatever first came to your mind. This picture, abuse was the first thing that spoke to you. You gently scratched it a mark on his other cheek.

Suddenly, the drawing was snatched from you.

"Oh look Jarid! (Y/N)s drawing you!!" A girl, Jessica, shouts.

The boy in front of you, Jarid, turns around. He grabs the paper form her and stares at it.

"Did she make you look good?" Jessica asks. Jarid's face seemed to grow pale.

You stare at him, feeling a bit scared. He slowly sets the paper, upside down, on your desk. His eyes seemed duller than before. He turned around in his seat and continued to work.

You grab the paper quickly and stuff it into your binder. You feel your heart fall into your stomach as you think more and more about his reaction.

"Jarid? What'd she draw?" Jessica persists.

He stayed silent.


You sat in bed, starring at your lap top screen as you typed quickly. Words formed as fast as lighting. Your eyes ached and your palms were sweaty.

Your typing speeds up as you near the end of your essay. You lean into the screen and watch the final period form. You quickly click Save Document.

You fall back onto your bed, wiping your hands on your jeans. You starred at your dark ceiling for a moment before rolling over to face your alarm clock. You starred at the time.

"3:07 AM"

You feel shudder slide down your spine as you look away. 3:07 haunted you.

Of course, it was when Mark and Damien showed up. But... when they didn't show up.

You shut your eyes tightly and try not to remember last time. Instead, Jarid's scared face flashed in your head. His scream echoed in your ears. You felt your body ache as you closed your eyes tightly. You felt tears poke out of your eyelids.

"Hey doll" A man purrs.

  You open your eyes to see a man.
  His blonde hair was slicked back and his honey eyes were hazed. Something seem familiar about him. You glanced around for a moment. You were floating in a black void.

"Recognize me?" He asks as he floats closer to you. You look back at him, scowling.

It was the man from.. what was it... two years ago? He made your stomach turn. How he called his son a freak still echoed in your head.

"Of course" You hiss, gently pushing yourself back from him.

He pouts. "Aww, what's wrong pumpkin?" He circles you.

You fire up. "CALL ME BY MY ACTUAL NAME YOU FUCK" You shout, making him freeze.

You felt on the line. Something made you uneasy about this visit.

"Now that's not fun" He pouts once more.

You cross your arms, scoffing softly.

"You've got power, dear." He floats towards you.

You narrow your eyes and stare at him. Something told you not to push back this time.

"Duh, I'm strong as all hell" You shot back.

He chuckles. "I mean. This schizophrenia. Are you aware what you could do with it?" He asks.

"You can't do anything with it. It's a mental disorder" You murmur

"Well. How do you think you're here? Last time, you were on the brink of death. This time, you're just fine" He points out

You pause for a moment. "That's... that doesn't make any sense. Schizophrenia doesn't give me any powers or shit" You hiss, turning away from him.

He floats in front of your eyes, a smirk placed on his face. He smelt of booze.

"Imagine something your schizophrenia hasn't shown you yet. Anything, like a bouquet of flowers or something"

You looked at him through your eyelashes, unaware of what you should do. Nothing bad could happen... right?

You shut your eyes and imagine the first thing that came to your mind. Markiplier.

You opened one eye gently. You then opened both your eyes. You covered your mouth, tears sparking in your eyes.

There, floating between you and the blonde man, was Markiplier in the flesh. He seemed to be asleep, which was a huge relief.

"See?" The man whispered.

"No, he isn't real. I can't just summon PEOPLE!" You shout, wishing Mark would go away and you didn't have some weird connection with your schizophrenia... besides having it.

Mark poofed, making you freeze.

"See, (y/n)?" The blonde man asks.

He floats forward, holding out his hands.

"Make daisys form into my palms" he demands.

You shut your eyes and imagine a bouquet of snow white daisys. You hear a small crinkle.

You open your eyes. The man was holding the bouquet, his hands gripping the plastic it came it.

"I don't think you have schizophrenia." He started.

"I think you have a connection to everyone's mind"

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now