-Part 12- Hallucinations

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  (Y/N): Seventeen years old
Damien: Twenty years old
Mark: Twenty-One years old
Toby: Twenty years old

(Y/N) holds my hand, running with me.

Police sirens blare behind us.

Blood drips from our hands.

She gripped one of my hatchets. I gripped the other.

I scooped her up into my arms and ran faster, my hood falling off my head.

Tires screech.

We make into the forest and stop. I set her down and stare at her face.

She had that same smile.

"A-Are yo-you ok?" I ask, panting softly.

She only giggled that same giggle.

She grabs the front of my hoodie, yanking me down to her li-

"TOBY!" BEN screeches.

I jump from my day dream and glance over to BEN, whom is starring at me with a impatient look.
  "U-Uh..... yea-yeah?" I ask, shifting in my seat.

  "What happened to your cheek?!" He asks, clearly pissed that he had to (probably) repeat the question.

  "U-Uhm" I raise a hand and set it on the small sliver of my cheek that was visible, despite my goggles and mouth guard.
  "It's redder than normal" he continues. "Did you make out with a girl that applied red sharpie instead of lipstick?~"

  I feel my face grow hot. "Nu-Nuh u-uh!! I-It's jus-just from..." he pauses.

You walk next to Toby, looking at all the flowers around you.

"The forest is so pretty..." you breathe out, stopping to pick a yellow flower. You turn to show it to Toby, but he's gone.

"Toby..?" You ask, looking around.

You felt something strike your stomach.

A picture of something swinging down from a tree flashed in your eyes, then an echoey chuckle then a tick that cut it off.

You sighed softly, knowing this had something to do with Toby.

An acorn dropped from a tree a couple feet away from you. Your eyes widening and tried to step forward, but your body froze before it could.

You hear leaves rustle behind you and firm hands slamming on your shoulders. You screamed and turned, nailing the attacker in, what you guessed, the nose.

You heard Toby gasp softly.

You slammed your hands over your mouth. In front of you was Toby, hanging upside down from a tree branch. His hoodie was looser than normal, so it came down a bit. His hair swayed gently along with him. His goggles were shifted upwards.

"I-I'm s-s-so sorry Toby!!" You shout, gently grabbing his face.

He chuckles softly.

"I can-can't feel p-pain, Waf-Waffle" He purrs, a smirk clearly under his mouth guard.

You narrowed your eyes at the stupid nickname and looked to his face. He had a red mark on his cheek from your punch.

"A-Ah! I left a mark!!" You cry out.

Toby only laughs more.

"TOBY, OH MY ZALGO. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU FEEL SPACING OUT!!" BEN shout as he shakes my shoulders.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now