-Part 10- Craddle

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  (Y/N): Seventeen years old
Damien: Twenty years old
Mark: Twenty-One years old
Toby: Twenty years old

Cradles. Sub Urban

You hummed softly as you sketched a picture of Mark.

"I live inside of my own world of make believe" You mutter along to the song, glancing over to the lyrics to make sure you sing them correctly.

"Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities" you whisper, becoming louder.

You added a small smirk to Mark's face and smiles softly, adding a signature under the picture.

"I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach" you sing softly, standing from your chair.

"Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep...
I love everything
Fire's spreading all around my room
My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe, but that's alright.." You mutter, starting to make your bed.

You hummed along to the instrumental, prancing around your room gently as you did so.

You started to pick up shirts that were thrown on your dressers.

Before you could start singing the next part, you hear a deep voice do it for you.

"Tape my eyes open to force reality.
Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?
I live inside my own world of make believe." They sang.

You felt your heart start to pound, hoping it wasn't Toby. You look back.

"Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities.
Somedays I feel skinnier than all the other days.
And sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me." Mark sang, a permanent smirk on his face.

You felt relief wash over your body. You turned back to fold your clothes.

"I love everything..
Fire's spreading all around my room
My world's so bright.
It's hard to breathe, but that's alright
Hush!". You two sang together.

You felt him hug you from behind and set his chin on your head. You two start to sway together, humming the instrumental.

"I didn't know you liked Cradles" Mark muttered.

You smile softly. "It's a good song... a really good song" You say softly.

Mark nods, shutting his eyes for a moment. He then pulls away and backs up. You hear a creak on your bed, guessing he had sat down.

"I wan-wanna ta-taste y-your conte-content"

The voice made you freeze.

"Hold your bre-breath and fee-feel th-the tensi-tension"

Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Devi-Devils hid-hide behi-behind red-redemption."

"Hone-Honesty is a-a one wa-way gate to hel-hell"

"I wanna ta-taste consumptio-consumption"

His ticks were becoming a bit softer. Is he relaxing?

"Bre-Breathe faster to w-waste oxygen"

"H-Hear the children sing aloud
It's music 'til the wick burns out
Hush" He finishes, only ticking once.

You hear him sigh softly, then erupt in ticks. You spin on your heels.

Toby was sitting on the edge of your bed, his elbows resting on his knees as he let his ticks suppress.

You crept over to him and slowly sat.

He glances over to you. His bright orange goggles were pushed up, his honey eyes sparkling softly. You felt your heart pound in your chest as you starred at him.

"You sing beautifully, even with the ticks... t-they actually make y-you sound better" you finally say, making him chuckle.

He throws his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to his side. Your face reddens.

"Th-Thanks doll, but I-it isn-isn't as be-beautiful as yo-yours" He purrs, making you shudder.

You didn't really like this side of Toby.

Your first night meeting him, he told you about his bipolar disorder. He explained what it meant, since, Cmon, your pretty stupid.

His flirty side made you feel bad. Every time he complimented you, you pushed him away. You saw hurt in his eyes when you would, but you had to!

After all, he's just a hallucination.

You can't get attached. You just can't.

He pulled you a bit closer, burying his face into your hair.

"Y-You're so swe-sweet (Y/N). Di-Did you k-know that?" He mutters.

You feel a small pit form in your stomach.

  "...yeah... I g-guess" you mumble.

  "(Y/N)!! WERE HOME!!" You hear your father shout, causing Toby to go rigid.

He yanks down his mouth guard and pushes his lips to your cheek for a second. He leaps out your window.

  You sit on your bed, frozen.

  You slowly raise a hand and set it on your cheek.

  You were too dazed to wonder why he ran away instead of poofing like Damien and Mark.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now