-Part 1- Damien

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(Y/N): Six years old
??????: Eight years old
????: Ten years old
????: Eight years old

About a month or two since the incident.

(Y/N) fell back into her normal ways. This didn't scare a child as much as it would with an adult.

She felt comfortable once again, finding the same warmth in her bed as she did before. But, as if on que, someone showed up.

~Your POV~

  You awoke to the sound of shoes squeaking against your wooden floors. You gently lifted your head from your pillow, blinking slowly. You sat up and gently rubbed your eyes, hoping to help yourself adjust to the dark.

Your eyes began to set as you squinted to see the figure better.

It was the boy from the fire.

He seemed to notice you sitting up, because he dashed towards you. He smiled widely, his baby blue eyes shining in the moon's light. You starred up at him, your lips gently parted in awe.

"It's so great to see you again,
(Y/N)!" He said in a whisper. He gently pushed your messy hair out of your face.

"I see you've been sleeping well" He murmurs, chuckling after.

You blinked, then reached up to rub your eyes again. This had to be another hallucination. You heard your dad talk to the doctor. He brought you there two days after the hallucination. You knew something was wrong with you by the way they spoke, but you ignored it. On the way home from the doctor, you ponder the word hallucination. Hallucination sounded so cruel, so you replaced that word with See Dreams.

"Awe, tired?" He asked, dropping himself on the edge of your bed. He folded his legs and set his hands on his knees.

"My names Damien" he said proudly.

You were at a loss for words. You glanced to your small bed side table and reached to it. You glanced to your alarm clock, starring at the "3:07 AM" it presented before you. You slid your hand under your lamp shade and gently tugged on a small chain. The lamp lit up and you looked back to Damien, hoping to see him gone.

The lamp made it worse.

With light on him, Damien looked even friendlier than he sounded. His messy blonde hair stuck out in every direction but down. His blue eyes were formed into crescents due to his huge smile. Dirt streaked his left cheek. You glanced down to his attire. He wore a simple, dark orange, coat and some jeans.

"Sorry I'm a bit dirty, tripped" He states as he reaches up and wipes his cheek with his sleeve.

You slowly nodded, not taking your eyes off him. His smile fell a bit, which caused your stomach to fall A LOT.

"Are you ok...? I know this is scary, but I mean no harm!" He said as he gently took your hands into his. You finally felt a voice rise in your throat.

"M-My name is (Y/N)" You gently stuttered out. He already knew your name, that was clear, but that was the first thing that came to your head.

Damien chuckled and shook his head, making your face heat up in embarrassment. He was laughing at you!

Damien seemed to notice your face fall, because he gave a wider smile than before.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now