-Part 9- Oop

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(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  Toby: Twenty years old

I howl with laughter, lying on (Y/N)'s bed.

She is laughing as well, lying next to me.

~like a minute before~

"So, Toby" (Y/N) started, making me look over to her.

"Yeah, Waf-Waffle?" I hum.

"How much would you need to be paid to whip it out?" She asks casually, scrolling through something on her phone.

I stare at her, my eyes wide.

I feel a smirk form on my face.

"Fo-For you, free. What a-about you?" I purr, rolling onto my stomach and setting my chin In my palms.

"I'd whip my cock out for free too" She shoots back, looking over at me.


  I push my goggles up and wipe tears from my eyes.

  "H-Holy fu-fuck! we ar-are so imma-immature" I shout, rolling over to rest on my side. I stare at her with a wide smile.

  She rolls onto her side, her laughing subsided to that hypnotizing giggle.

I reached across and push some of her hair out of her hair.

  "What do you wanna do, Tobz?" She asks, sitting up.

  I sit up as well, scratching my cheek a bit.

  "Wan-Wanna watc-watch a mo-movie?" I suggest. I push my hand through my hair and stare at her with dazed eyes.

  She looks away for a moment.

  "Yeah sure. T-That sounds cool" she mumbles. I stare at her, seeing a bit of red on her cheeks.

That's why she turned away.

  I smile. "C-Cmon Waf-Waffle" I say softly, leaning down to scoop her up. I start walking down the hall with her in my arms.

  She screeches softly, looking away from me. I smile even wider.

  I gently drop her on the couch and crawl on top of her.

  She shuffles out from under me, making me whimper softly. She chuckles and sits on the arm rest of the couch.

  I shuffle into a more comfortable spot, leaning my head on my palm. She grabs the remote and turns the tv on. She starts flipping through channels.

  "My parents will be home in four hours" She mutters as she checks the time.

  I lie my head on her shoulder. "Bet-Better make i-it wort-worth i-it the-then" I purr.

  She laughs and shoves me off, making me whine loudly.

  "Aw, don't whine Tobyyyy" she coos, raising a hand and pushing her fingers through my hair.

She ruffles my floof around before curling a strand around her index finger.

I shut my eyes and lean into her hand.

"Your hair is so messy!" She mumbles as she slides off the armrest.

She sits next to me and starts trying to calm down my hair.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now