-Part 14- Rodgers

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(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  Toby: Twenty years old

  You slowly open your eyes, only to see black. You sit up and set your palms on your lap.

  Rodgers floats into view.

  "Ok. I want to hear everything" he says, starring at you with a determined look.

  "Ok... o-ok" you pause, trying to find where to start.

  "S-So... I ran up to Damien... a-and I hugged him... a-and I called him Toby cuz I thought he was Toby. He told... me.." you stare at your hands. "He told m-me that Toby was.. real... and that he wasn't a hallucination. Toby has been lying to me, for seven months, Rodgers, S-SEVEN MONTHS!" You shout, looking up at him.

  "A-And.. I ran out the house.... m-my whole neighborhood was burning, and the fairy's were there... I woke in the void.. and I felt a lot of pain... like someone shoved a sword THROUGH my body. I-It stopped when... the fairy leader.. I think... crawled onto my chest. They chanted something, t-then I felt a even worse pain...." You mutter, Rodgers starring at you.

  "Then... I woke up outside of my body" you look up at him.

  "Ok... s-so. Yes, Toby is real. His full name is Toby Rodgers, he burnt his house when you were twelve. That night we first met." He says softly, hoping you didn't shatter with the news or something.

  "A-And.. uhm.... those fairy's... are... hmpf.... they are servants for a demon. I... can't remember his name... something with an O... but. I heard them..." he places his face in his hands, groaning softly.

  "I heard BEN and Jeff talking about it"

  You perk up. "Toby... said two of his brothers were named BEN and Jeff. How... did you hear them?"

  "I was wandering around he mansion, doesn't matter, but... I... remember them talking about you. They were muttering about a mission for Toby... that he didn't complete but... Slender.. I think... didn't do anything about it." Rodgers mumbles, causing you to lean in so you could hear him better.

  "You're... not making any sense" you say casually.

  Rodgers flips you off.

  "Let me think"

You roll your eyes and fold your arms across your chest.

"...do you know the girl that took possession of my body?" You ask, glancing to him.

He freezes. "No, no, no. We need to get back, quickly" he blurts out.

"Rodg-" He pushes you back. You fall in the voids

You jolt up, panting. You look around. Rodgers tugs you up and starts dragging you out of the room. You stumble behind him, scoffing st his actions.

  You look around. You two were floating down a long hall, doors lining the walls.

  "(Y/N), you know how to stop her. You're the only one that can" he murmurs as he floats with you. 

  "But.. why... why me?" You ask, looking back with tears in your eyes.

  "Doll, you have been training for this. I suggest... maybe.. a brick wall in front of her?" He asks.

  "BUT WHEN?!" You shout.

  "Well" He starts.

  You stop, feeling your head throb. You shut your eyes and stare in your black mind.

  You freeze as you see Toby's hatchet shine gently, a scream from a male, and blood on some light brown planks.

  Your eyes snap open as you rush down the hall. You soar down the stairs and look at the flooring. Light brown planks.

  You look around, and bolt before Rodgers can catch up.

  You soar into the living room, starring at Toby with wide eyes. He's wiping the blades of his hatchets. She walks over and sits close to him.

  "Hey baby" She mutters gently.

  He glances up, his cheeks bright red. He shifted uncomfortably in his spot, making your anger boil. HOW DARE THIS FUCK FACK MAKE YOUR BEST FRIEND FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE?!

  You shut your eyes tightly and listen to Toby stutter something out. His ticks were rapid.

  You imagine a knife, a sharp knife.

  "(Y/N)! Don't! You don't want Toby to realize!!" Rodgers shouts, but it's too late.

  You open your eyes and watch as a knife drops into her back. She screeches in pain, making Toby jump.

  "T-TOBY!" She shouts out, falling onto his chest.

  He picks her up, dropping the hatchets. "W-We'll ge-get you som-some help, Waff-Waffle" he murmurs to her, using the soft voice he did with you.

  You feel your stomach bubble with anger. You feel yourself LITERALLY bubble.

  You shut your eyes and imagine multiple knives, a SWARM of knives!!

  You feel Rodgers pull you to his chest, then you fall back.

  You reach out, flailing your arms. "T-TOBY!" You yell out, feeling tears fall from your eyes.

  You gasp and sit up, panting.

  You look around.

  A man.

  His back to you.

  Horns sprouted from his head.

  He was glowing a dark red.

  He turned and gave you a wide smile.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now