-Part 8- Just Another "Friend"

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(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  ????: Twenty years old

I turn around to see (Y/N) sitting up. She reaches over and turns off her alarm. She hasn't looked at me yet.

Kill her now, Toby

She pulled a small chain on her lamp.

Well fuck. Now she's definitely gonna notice. Might as well look good.

I lift myself on her desk behind me, swinging my legs. I hold my hatchet up and stare at it. I hear her gasp softly, causing me to lower the hatchet.

She stares at me with wide eyes, before she smiles...?

My shoulders shake with a tick.

"What, d-doll?" I ask.

"I sensed I would see someone new tonight. That's why I set my alarm" she explains, sliding out from under her covers.

"Y'all always come at 3:07 am" She says as she fixes her covers.

Y'all? Have pastas visited her before? No, then why would she be on MY mission?

"Did Damien tell you about me? Isn't he just the sweetest!" Her voice calls me out of my thoughts.

Damien? What is this chick talking about?!

Might as well go with it

"Du-Duh. I'm Tob-Toby. And y-you ar-are" I stare at her for a second.

She smiles sweetly, causing my heart to flip. My ticks shake my shoulders more, but she doesn't seem to notice... for some odd reason.

  " Waff-Waffle" I say with a smirk, winking at her.

  She seems taken back for a second.

  "Ew, waffles are gross" she mutters.

  I stare at her. I grip my hatchet and in one swift moment, I'm holding the blade against her neck. I hold her by the back on the shirt.

  She doesn't tense up.

  Instead, she giggles softly. I lower my hatchet, becoming hypnotized by her giggles. I set my hatchet back into its holster.

  She looks up at me and acts as if nothing ever happened.

  "So, Toby, what would you like to do? Mark and I love to listen to music, but Damien and I love to play poker. That's two ideas!" She whispers innocently.

  I ponder for a minute, tapping my chin with my gloved hand.

  She snickers and runs over to her bed. She jumps into it and grabs her bunny from her bed side table.

"Aw... he got dirt on him... how did that even happen?" She mutters as she wipes the bunny.

I walk over and drop myself onto the edge of her bed. I look to her. I stare at her messy (h/c) hair, it looks so soft. I glance up to her face. I stare into her eyes for a moment, the sparkling (e/c) sucking me in. I part my lips in awe, only a tick coming from me.

"So, what do ya wanna do?" She asks snapping me out of trance.

"We-Well y-you sai-said y-you list-listen to m-music wi-with Mark. Y-You pl-play poke-poker with Damien. S-So ho-how abo-about w-w-w-w-w" I tense up. I watch her eyes widen as worry floods over her face.

"Fuck!!" I whisper shout.

She then giggles once more. "It's ok, Toby. We all get hung up on our words. If I may ask, why are your shoulders jumping?"

She must think I just stutter

"Toure-Tourettes" I mutter, glancing away from her.

"A-Aw!! I'm sorry Toby. If it makes you feel better, I'm classified as a schizophrenic"


She pauses, then lets out that soft giggle that throws my mind into a tornado.

"I'm an idiot. You already know about that" she says while she giggles.

I raise an eyebrow. "Hu-Huh?"

"Well. Damien and Mark know they're hallucinations. You're just another friend" she adds air quotations around "friend".

I feel my heart ping

  "Y-Yeah of cour-course... just.... test-testing yo-you" I mutter, growing guilty.

  She gently grabbed my hand, making me look over.

  "Don't feel bad. I know y'all are hallucinations. I don't care, I just care that y'all are here for me. That's all I want from someone" she says, crawling over so she could sit next to me.
  "Tha-That's so swee-sweet" I mumble.

  She gives a wide smile.

  I feel my heart flip as the guilt is replaced with butterflies in my stomach. I smile back and give her a hug.

  She hugs back.

  I feel my body warm up as I sink into her hug, my ticks getting softer.  I shut my eyes for a moment.

  Just a moment...

  You've met a new character!
  Age chart has been updated!
(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  Toby: Twenty years old

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now